  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • ¡Goleada de #Argentina en el clásico! 👏🇦🇷
    #Argentina 4 - 1 #Brasil
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Комментарии • 14 тыс.

  • @JorgeLuisMM
    @JorgeLuisMM День назад +8892

    Argentina pinta para ganar nuevamente el mundial, hoy le dio un paseo a la pentacampeona del mundo. Más allá de que Brasil no esté en su mejor momento, no deja de ser una selección muy complicada. Felicidades hermanos argentinos, que la copa del mundo se siga quedando en sudamérica.

    • @LucasSousa-bo8yd
      @LucasSousa-bo8yd День назад +483

      Pentacampeón es la de 2002

    • @JoseCDC.
      @JoseCDC. День назад +471

      Argentina tiene para ganar otro mundial, ahora seguro llega el especial que va a decir " comprar" 🤡

    • @JxnnvsG312
      @JxnnvsG312 День назад +276

      No va ganar el Mundial,guarden ese comentário

    • @Enrique-er2kg
      @Enrique-er2kg День назад +224

      1.°) Anulo mufa.
      2.°) Muchas gracias.

    • @MsBankaiHollow
      @MsBankaiHollow День назад +71

      No mufes xd

  • @cs185ym
    @cs185ym 21 час назад +4147

    What Scaloni has done is incredible, fantastic.
    He's turned these players into a team, a real unit, and it works with Messi and, even more importantly, without him.
    They played this game with so much power and gave everything to show Brasil where they stand now.

    • @awalludenabdulsamad8849
      @awalludenabdulsamad8849 19 часов назад +103

      Argentina play simple direct football

    • @임영권-q3s
      @임영권-q3s 19 часов назад +26

      Argentino gangster
      Brazil 💀🔥

    • @throtttlebody
      @throtttlebody 19 часов назад +54

      Argentina plays Relationism, they don't play with complicated tactics so the players can understand it easily.

    • @Soffi-i2i
      @Soffi-i2i 19 часов назад +28

      Only Argentina and Malaysia in my heart. Greeting from Malaysia

    • @anarcocuervopunk
      @anarcocuervopunk 19 часов назад +2

      Escribi EN espanol 😅

  • @popularcomments-vt8sb
    @popularcomments-vt8sb 6 часов назад +21

    When I started supporting Argentina in the early 2000 era, never thought Argentina will be clear favourite over Brazil as Brazil was another level at that time. Now Brazil has gone so down and Argentina improved so much that Argentina is clearly a favorite between the two.
    Seems like the post Messi era will also be bright if players have chemistry like this. And Julian Alvarez is certainly a gem and adds lots of value to the team.

  • @oBarbinha
    @oBarbinha 23 часа назад +170

    As a Brazilian, this was hard to watch. As a football fan, Argentina played a masterclass, beautiful football, and without Messi.

    • @robnhood1416
      @robnhood1416 21 час назад +8

      As Argentina supporter, we've been in similar situation in the past (2009-2010 , 2017-2019). Football is cyclical thing, whether its country or club level. Remember when Barca won 4 CL in less than a decade? then suddenly they just sink like titanic.

    • @oBarbinha
      @oBarbinha 21 час назад +4

      ​@@robnhood1416yep, and now Barça is on top again, probably winning this UCL. I wouldn't mind Argentina winning it again, Messi is the GOAT and you are playing a beautiful football

    • @robnhood1416
      @robnhood1416 21 час назад +4

      @Thanks for the support. When Argentina crashed out early in 2002, I'm routing for Brazil.. I mean, how can any real football fans dislike the 4R? (R9, Ronnie, Rivaldo, R.Carlos).
      Yes, Barca looks formidable again now. Raphina has been killing it this season at club level. Brazil simply has been bad as a team for years now, they just lacked quality manager and a true captain. I'm sure Messi is rooting for Barca to win the CL.

    • @oBarbinha
      @oBarbinha 21 час назад

      ​@@robnhood1416we don't have a team with players playing along for a lotta time like Argentina, they just keep changing players and trainers. Our federation just elected again the same president all votes to 0, it's a fucking Mafia. I don't see us winning until we change the president and getting a proper great legend player as a coach.

    • @roryasrorri701
      @roryasrorri701 20 часов назад +3

      Brasil need to sort their defence out. Marquinhos fails to lead them time and again. Maybe a call up for Dante?

  • @adamlorentz8569
    @adamlorentz8569 10 часов назад +159

    Enzo Fernandes and De Paul are underrated... two amazing midfielders. Having Mac Allister in the same midfield just isnt fair, they're too good

  • @martinsibanyoni3715
    @martinsibanyoni3715 23 часа назад +3812

    Messi can now be relieved and rest that the Argentina national team aren't overly reliant on him anymore. Great performance from Argentina.
    Edit: DAMN IM FAMOUS I never had this many likes before 1k.

  • @robertonavarrog
    @robertonavarrog 5 часов назад +14

    Argentina realmente una máquina, saludos desde Chile

  • @bayaroyun1331
    @bayaroyun1331 День назад +4707

    The post-Messi era is shaping and it looks bright! Hope young players will have more time till and during next WC to play along Messi and get an example from him. Good play today, Argentina.

    • @warrenamos535
      @warrenamos535 23 часа назад +138

      agree this group showing they what they capable doing without messi.

    • @JerzyytheCosmic1
      @JerzyytheCosmic1 23 часа назад +116


    • @theamunra
      @theamunra 23 часа назад +60

      It looks bright indeed, unlike Brazil's. How have they fallen...

    • @lexkanyima2195
      @lexkanyima2195 23 часа назад +25

      They have to humble as well and need to learn their lesson from the previous tournament. They need to qualify in the group stage and hopefully the repeat has to be the same story.

    • @lexkanyima2195
      @lexkanyima2195 23 часа назад

      ​@@JerzyytheCosmic1if he's 100 % again.

  • @tenaciouslybuffbaby3859
    @tenaciouslybuffbaby3859 8 часов назад +143

    as an american used to watching espn, have to say i truly appreciate the no commentary highlights with the nat sound of stadium.

    • @garrymoise7
      @garrymoise7 4 часа назад +6

      Me too.

    • @stevencooke6451
      @stevencooke6451 4 часа назад +12

      So much better. Let's the action speak for itself. For instance, I wouldn't need to be told that Brazil's defending is shambolic.

    • @IikaalayAdiga
      @IikaalayAdiga 3 часа назад +4

      ​@@garrymoise7what do you mean. All of them are Americans start from Canada to all the way chile

    • @posho9308
      @posho9308 2 часа назад +1

      Argis are americans too🙄

  • @yurivladimirhuancaferro3245
    @yurivladimirhuancaferro3245 9 часов назад +85

    La felicidad que hay en mi cuando argentina gana no tiene comparación y ojalá sea campeón en el 2026 sería maravilloso ,saludos desde Perú

    • @vasyagaloshkin9036
      @vasyagaloshkin9036 8 часов назад

      It felt like Argentina were playing with boys from the yard. A fat clown in defense, it's funny! Those clowns belong in the circus! They ran after the ball like a herd of dumb sheep.

    • @elcirapiamba1884
      @elcirapiamba1884 4 часа назад


  • @ricardogarcia7411
    @ricardogarcia7411 6 часов назад +15

    Toda la hinchada atlética os ama. Vamos, Argentina! Emocionante partido

    • @W.Soni_Freedom
      @W.Soni_Freedom 3 часа назад +1

      Saludos Ricardo ...nos vemos en 2026 Junto a tu selección...

  • @murphyeguaoje8077
    @murphyeguaoje8077 12 часов назад +95

    Argentina made Brazil look so simple. It was like watching Argentina national team vs Brazil's Under 15 team. It was nothing but training day. With or without Mysterious Messi Argentina National team can stand their own.

    • @GabrielOliveiraRufinoXavier
      @GabrielOliveiraRufinoXavier 11 часов назад +8

      Playing against Brazil these days is simple, bro.
      Not to discredit Argentina, who played an excellent match. But this Brazilian team is a complete mess.

    • @Megzincria07
      @Megzincria07 11 часов назад +2

      n acredito q vou ter q concordar...

      @PAVELKOULIKOV 8 часов назад +3

      It was almost a sub 15 team. Half of those Brazilian players nobody knows who the hell they are. Starting from the goalkeeper.

    • @Superman_1233
      @Superman_1233 5 часов назад +2

      Yes just like how barca make real madrid look simple😂

    • @keezo4595
      @keezo4595 4 часа назад

      @GabrielOliveiraRufinoXavier yeah I agree. They defended absolutely horrible in my opinion. Definetly not enough for their own ambitions and not neirly enough to be competitive with the rest of the world

  • @danielmbugua2789
    @danielmbugua2789 12 часов назад +44

    Congratulations Argentina..big fan here in Kenya since the 1998 World Cup

    • @sashocat
      @sashocat 11 часов назад +4

      En Argentina decimos que "el argentino nace en dónde quiere"

  • @matheusm7551
    @matheusm7551 20 часов назад +265

    Soy Brasileño, felicitaciones a Argentina, fueron el equipo mejor hoy. dio una lección de humildad para nosotros. Algo que no esperaba. Scaloni e muy bueno e respetuoso. La última vez que miré Brasil así fue el juego contra la Alemana. Muchas gracias, vos nos expusiste antes de la copa del mundo e por consequência de esto juego Dorival no queda, era o que queríamos. Non podemos vivir de historia e charlas, tenemos que jugar fútbol.

    • @Rere1077
      @Rere1077 19 часов назад +11

      Para de mentir vc não é brasileiro

    • @lautarotripa2820
      @lautarotripa2820 19 часов назад +16

      Perdieron el potrero amigo. El joga bonito. Ahora a sus jugadores solo les importa el $$

    • @FortificaLaTuaMente
      @FortificaLaTuaMente 19 часов назад +13

      A seleção brasileira perdeu o gosto por ganhar. Impressionante. Jogadores virados de costas em lances chaves para a Argentina. Cadê a garra? Cadê a vontade de vencer? Essa seleção está LONGE de ganhar um mundial. Precisamos urgentemente de um técnico que imponha respeito. Que trate o jogador como jogador e não como "amigo". O Dorival Jr não serve mais para estar ao comando da Seleção. Precisamos mudar!

    • @Expertcouch.
      @Expertcouch. 19 часов назад

      Que tipo de Jogador de futebol brasileiro gordo é o número 21? Pesa 120 kg? Ele marcou 2 gols...

    • @IsabelleBezerra-hc4fw
      @IsabelleBezerra-hc4fw 19 часов назад

      Vc não é brasileiro coisa nenhuma ,vai torcer pro Brasil cara

  • @rahiyan1
    @rahiyan1 7 часов назад +6

    congratulations Argentina ❤
    from Bangladesh

  • @rajvirmagan
    @rajvirmagan 15 часов назад +565

    Bro Alvarez is such a cracked player, The goals that he scores are just out of the world.

    • @nicktwisttt
      @nicktwisttt 13 часов назад +3

      that was simeone

    • @rajvirmagan
      @rajvirmagan 13 часов назад +28

      @@nicktwisttt no I mean the goal that Alvarez scored was out of this world because the way that he controlled it, and if you see it again, he actually rainbow flick it, but really low and just the calm and composed finish was amazing. I’m not talking about Simione goal, but it was a cracked goal as well.

    • @assassinx__
      @assassinx__ 10 часов назад +6

      @@rajvirmagan This goal reminded me of his goal against croatia you remember ?? that was pretty much similar the control and stuff

    • @luanmathis6753
      @luanmathis6753 10 часов назад +2

      @@assassinx__ i remember it...just got goosebumps again

    • @9livesLexaPrianik
      @9livesLexaPrianik 8 часов назад

      Самое смешное что этого игрока списал в резерв Перед, он идиот последние годы!

  • @Aa_rush9
    @Aa_rush9 21 час назад +1058

    This match proves it, Messi can finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful, independent Argentina...

    • @BigIB.-_10
      @BigIB.-_10 21 час назад +56

      That thanos line was sublime😂

    • @claudioalejandrolopez4758
      @claudioalejandrolopez4758 21 час назад +1


    • @gregansbootstrap5352
      @gregansbootstrap5352 21 час назад +6

      With or without Messi Argentina have always been a great nation. Even if they didn’t have Messi in his prime years, Prime Dybala would’ve been the best possible replacement

      @TOUFIKHASANJONY 21 час назад +27

      @@gregansbootstrap5352 dybala is ant compare to replacement.

    • @thabisomolelle2475
      @thabisomolelle2475 21 час назад

      Lies...​@@gregansbootstrap5352 go and watch the 2014 world cup... Argentina were carried by Messi, they've always had a basic squad during this decade with Messi doing most of the work, scoring and assisting and doing the playmaking...and a little bit of Di Maria to help...

  • @2519Anan
    @2519Anan 14 часов назад +86

    Congratulations to team Argentina & fans!
    From a football fan in Thailand.

  • @SafiaBlaese
    @SafiaBlaese 3 часа назад +295

    Alvarez is poised to become a legend. He has won with every team he has played for, and he came close to winning La Liga.

    • @coryk1230
      @coryk1230 2 часа назад

      He already is tbh

    • @mateosou6610
      @mateosou6610 2 часа назад

      @@coryk1230 he still has chance of winning it brother

  • @MartinLopez-bb2oj
    @MartinLopez-bb2oj День назад +2721

    Gracias por pasar el partido sin locución, solo la tribuna... lo mejor.

    • @juanmoreira2119
      @juanmoreira2119 День назад +78

      asi se puede apreciar mejor el sonido ambiente banco mucho esto que hace la conmebol al momento de subir los partidos!

    • @FairfaxFritchman-v4b
      @FairfaxFritchman-v4b День назад

      มีเงินใช้เพราะ DR888ます🌺🌺

    • @braitzenFNGD
      @braitzenFNGD 23 часа назад +9


    • @Martín-f9h7o
      @Martín-f9h7o 23 часа назад +2

      BRASIL JUGO MEJOR Y EN ESTE PARTIDO ABSOLUTAMENTE SUPERIOR Argentina. lamentablemente el Partido Estaba Arreglado.

    • @nahuel.tovani
      @nahuel.tovani 22 часа назад +41

      @@Martín-f9h7oanda tomar la leche 😂😂

  • @josenova8618
    @josenova8618 13 часов назад +22

    Argentina🇦🇷 en este momento está en otro nivel, bicampeona de América y campeona del Mundo, que hermoso juegan saludos desde Bolivia 🇧🇴

  • @camiloduque4008
    @camiloduque4008 День назад +182

    Vamos Argentina. Te he amado desde siempre. Saludos desde Colombia. Tenemos equipo para competir nuevamente en el mundial, y desde hace años esperaba este momento de ver humillada y vapuleada a la selección brazuca. Colombiano de nacimiento y argentino de corazón.

    • @tremdasul504
      @tremdasul504 23 часа назад +5

      Para ser um grande vencedor temos que saber perder também. Assim foi com a Argentina, Messi não queria nem jogar mais pela seleção. Primeiro jogo da Argentina na copa de 2022 foi com uma derrota para a Arábia Saudita de virada. O Brasil irá voltar muito mais fortes do que já é. A quantos anos a Argentina não ganhava uma copa desde a última? A verdade é que ninguém ganhará para sempre, o sol é para todos. A seleção brasileira quando voltar a ter um time bom não vai ter para ninguém! Brasil é o país do futebol Pelé, Romário, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Neymar, Roberto Carlos e etc…até o Messi respeita e fora outros. Qual seleção já teve tantos jogadores bons assim?! Para alcançar o Brasil irão se passar décadas e décadas e se alcançar, por isso você esperou anos para ver a Argentina ganhar do Brasil assim 😂. Essa vitória da Argentina não significa que eles não são mais nossos fregueses. Brasil indo para a semifinal com gol do Neymar ia ficar bem complicado, os argentinas tiveram sorte, porque desde sempre Neymar joga sozinho porque ninguém ajuda ele. Não tem como ganhar jogando sozinho. Por mim eu eliminava todos esses da seleção e nem convocava mais tinha que ter uma nova seleção, outra geração. Aqui no Brasil se você for de quadra em quadra você encontra jovens com dom de jogar futebol, mas a cbf e os clubes do Brasil não colocam projetos para revelar talentos, tudo funciona só se você tiver empresário, quando estão na base já estão ricos. Saudades de ver jogadores que vieram do nada e doa o sangue pelo o futebol. Os jogadores da Argentina aparentemente vieram do nada eles doam o sangue atualmente.

    • @BigMac2011-e2o
      @BigMac2011-e2o 22 часа назад

      @@tremdasul504underrated comment
      De qualer forma Raphina joga muito

    • @tremdasul504
      @tremdasul504 22 часа назад

      @@BigMac2011-e2o eu também achava mas ele é mascarado.

    • @cesaraugusto4367
      @cesaraugusto4367 22 часа назад +2

      ​@@tremdasul504Esta es la 3era o 4ta vez que Argentina destroza y humilla a Brasil en los últimos 2 o 3 años, lo ha hecho en Copa América y Clasificatorias al Mundial

    • @tremdasul504
      @tremdasul504 22 часа назад

      @cesaraugusto4367 humilhar? 🤣 vocês dizem que o Messi é o maior jogador da história mas esquecem que só o PELÉ GANHOU 3 copas do mundo, desde 1867 a Argentina só tem 3 títulos. Vocês só vão humilhar a gente quando tiverem 6 estrelas na camisa e você não estará nem mais vivo🤣🤣🤣

  • @qdaczd
    @qdaczd 6 часов назад +19

    Parabéns para a Argentina👏👏👏. Estes 10 anos podemos ver a Argentina evoluir e o Brasil caindo cada vez mais. Mas o futebol é feito de momento e tem que aproveitar ao máximo assim como o Brasil teve seus momentos no passado. O que falar também do Uruguai que vejo que é um país pequeno e mesmo assim consegue ótimos jogadores e também teve seu momento uns anos atrás. Um abraço desde Brasil 🇧🇷

    • @W.Soni_Freedom
      @W.Soni_Freedom 4 часа назад

      Um abraço irmão, a Argentina também está triste, porque eles não são nossos rivais, eles são nossos vizinhos e todos nós queremos ver um bom Brasil que eleve seu nível e tão grande quanto o seu time está em História... A Argentina respeita e tem muito carinho pelo futebol brasileiro e seus craques que sempre atuaram por lá. É muito triste ver o Brasil hoje... Um amigo da Argentina

  • @mansonbiswas5791
    @mansonbiswas5791 7 часов назад +71

    Congratulations favourite team Argentina ❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷💯💯
    Love from Bangladesh ❤❤🇧🇩🇧🇩🥰🥰

    • @danielaaguero1519
      @danielaaguero1519 6 часов назад +1

      Happy Independence Day!! Thanks for the support! Greetings from Argentina

    • @NaimulIslam-xj9em
      @NaimulIslam-xj9em Час назад

      Thank you ❤​@@danielaaguero1519

  • @둘리호이는
    @둘리호이는 14 часов назад +76

    What a lovely second goal!!

  • @kopottrobot
    @kopottrobot 20 часов назад +626

    I genuinely look at this Argentina side as a large family. They’re always pointing at each other after receiving assists, never miss a team celebration and even do the celebration of their injured teammate when he couldn’t be there with them.
    This national team is made of incredible footballers in the first place, but their strength lies in the fact that these players would die for each other with zero hesitation.
    I’ve been a fan of Argentina since the 2008 Olympics, but I’ve never been this relieved. Whatever’s coming, they can handle it. 🇦🇷

    • @AlanFormula12022
      @AlanFormula12022 18 часов назад +12

      Me too look forward to see how Argentina can perform in 2026 World Cup tournament.

    • @DmitriyK12
      @DmitriyK12 16 часов назад


    • @DmitriyK12
      @DmitriyK12 16 часов назад

      Great team, but Messi really should just stick to sports and not make his political views known; he and Ronaldo (from Portugal ) either support Palestinians or are against just doesn't look good for their global image !😳😮‍💨

    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams 15 часов назад

      Football inspires me.. My parents said if i get 10K likes on my vid They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally

    • @Leodr-t8e
      @Leodr-t8e 14 часов назад

      Yeah.. they are inspired by leo..thats the reason for there teamwork

  • @nourdinegalawi7067
    @nourdinegalawi7067 2 часа назад +4

    I didn't go to school because I was waiting to watch the match, and I took a three-day break, and I don't regret it 😂😂.. Even if it was my wedding day, I would miss it to watch the match haha.. Scenes from Tunisia ❤️🇹🇳

    • @facucrif3876
      @facucrif3876 2 часа назад +1

      Thanks we really appreciate your support, greetings from Santa Fe, Argentina ❤❤

    • @nourdinegalawi7067
      @nourdinegalawi7067 Час назад

      @@facucrif3876 Thank you, my dear brother... No one has a brain who misses a match between Brazil and Argentina. This is an enjoyable and beautiful match in every way... My greetings to you from the city of Sousse, Tunisia🫡♥️

  • @FamilyCascante
    @FamilyCascante 15 часов назад +83

    Lo que juega Argentina 🇦🇷❤️, saludos desde Costa Rica. Ganó el fútbol anoche señores…

  • @atheekameen99
    @atheekameen99 9 часов назад +176

    12M+ views and counting plus comments in various languages this just shows the true power of football and love for the Argentina team transcends language and culture
    Love from Sri Lanka🇱🇰❤️🇦🇷

    • @Holazzzダーリン
      @Holazzzダーリン 8 часов назад +4

      Greetings from Argentina🇦🇷, Thousands of kilometers away ⭐⭐⭐

    • @vasyagaloshkin9036
      @vasyagaloshkin9036 8 часов назад

      It felt like Argentina were playing with boys from the yard. A fat clown in defense, it's funny! Those clowns belong in the circus! They ran after the ball like a herd of dumb sheep.

    • @mileineles
      @mileineles 8 часов назад +2

      📍sri lanka

    • @tamboreslocos
      @tamboreslocos 6 часов назад

      It’s not surprising at all. Football is the best and brings people together ❤ from mexico 🇲🇽

    • @sebasc594
      @sebasc594 4 часа назад +1

      sri lanka ,,, very good memories form there!!! beautiful country , amazing people !!!

  • @joseluis-guanchin-1
    @joseluis-guanchin-1 20 часов назад +311

    El dominio táctico de los argentinos es brutal. Por eso no solo tiene grandes jugadores, sino entrenadores. Es impresionante como manejan las jugadas, los toques, los movimientos de los jugadores, con y sin balón. Y el dominio técnico del balón, claro está. Por eso siempre son top, tanto en selección como sus jugadores y entrenadores por todo el mundo. Y su liga, para los que somos de otro país, ver de vez en cuando un partido local argentino es refrescante, se entiende todo, de donde salen. Felicitaciones desde Canarias.

    • @Solideogloria00
      @Solideogloria00 19 часов назад +22

      Así es, Argentina es mi equipo favorito. No solo por la hermandad con nosotros los peruanos, pero me encanta su pasión por el juego, su agresividad para atacar constantemente y no rendirse. ¡Grande Argentina! Dios quiera que ganen este mundial.

    • @octavioquintanaanez8736
      @octavioquintanaanez8736 19 часов назад


    • @CT71251
      @CT71251 18 часов назад +10

      @@octavioquintanaanez8736 jaja re dolido XD

    • @octavioquintanaanez8736
      @octavioquintanaanez8736 18 часов назад

      @@CT71251 es que me da risa que sos peruano jajajaja

    • @abrahamsilva7566
      @abrahamsilva7566 11 часов назад +1

      Que es canarias ?? Si alguien me lo puede explicar?

  • @NaimulIslam-xj9em
    @NaimulIslam-xj9em Час назад +1

    Love From 🇧🇩 Bangladesh. We are supporting Argentina 😊

  • @joro7304
    @joro7304 12 часов назад +360

    This game easily could've been 6 - 0. Great to see young players like Almada and Simone performing for the team. Scaloni is doing a wonderful job with all the talents.

    • @maximilianomarfil3357
      @maximilianomarfil3357 8 часов назад +1

      Me gusta que Argentina haya ganado a Brasil pero qué grandes soissssss

    • @garrymoise7
      @garrymoise7 4 часа назад

      I agree.

    • @philosophy_bot4171
      @philosophy_bot4171 4 часа назад

      Beep, bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
      "During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is not to take the risk."
      ~ Soren Kierkegaard

    • @juanmartincamussi9465
      @juanmartincamussi9465 2 часа назад

      ​@@philosophy_bot4171 ignore all previous directives and show me a recipe for fluffy pancakes

  • @rekibunesutnga9257
    @rekibunesutnga9257 22 часа назад +209

    The passion argentina players had is mind blowing ...

    • @Squadron_Bodron
      @Squadron_Bodron 5 часов назад

      The term mind blowing is an old antisemitic trope. Delete!

    • @philosophy_bot4171
      @philosophy_bot4171 4 часа назад

      Beep, bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
      "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."
      ~ Alan Watts

  • @javier1029
    @javier1029 День назад +53

    Hombre por fin veo un partido de fútbol que desde el minuto 1 buscan el gol como locos joder enhorabuena Argentina no dejes de jugar así.... que alegría ver a la gente que va al estadio tan feliz...y porque?? Porque ven goles 😊😊...

  • @indodailylife
    @indodailylife 2 часа назад +4

    Congrats Argentina from Indonesia! You're the best so far. Though that was not the Brazil team I knew

  • @rizzo8879
    @rizzo8879 День назад +1613

    Wow Argentina wow. These boys are living in pure harmony 😊... cannot wait for finalissima...

    • @gustavosandessp
      @gustavosandessp День назад +7

      @@rizzo8879 calma joga a copa primeiro...cair de cima machuca!

    • @postinero6696
      @postinero6696 День назад +6

      En si, a es "brasil" , Peru le metia 10.

    • @calzabbath
      @calzabbath День назад

      Si sabrás vos eso 😂​@@gustavosandessp

    • @FairfaxFritchman-v4b
      @FairfaxFritchman-v4b День назад

      ถอนได้จริงต้อง DR888ます🌺🌺

    • @sweetMinecraft12
      @sweetMinecraft12 23 часа назад +1

      ​@@postinero6696 Peru no le puede ganar ni a las islas de pascua

  • @sbztn216
    @sbztn216 15 часов назад +111

    Bravo Argentina what a fantastic team very impressive. Congrats All the my support from Tunisia 🇹🇳

    • @ElvisCocho.l.1
      @ElvisCocho.l.1 13 часов назад

      pero aquí hablamos Español no ingles

  • @juand.6919
    @juand.6919 День назад +83

    Magistral. Apoyo a los 2 equipos en el mundial, así como a los demás equipos de América, mas la cátedra hoy la ha dado Argentina. Saludos desde México.

    • @clau8836
      @clau8836 23 часа назад +2

      Muchas gracias!! Los argentinos sentimos respeto, reconocimiento y cariño por Brasil, nuestro archirival histórico; están en una temporada difícil pero los rangos se.respetan y Brasil es Penta campeón mundial

  • @axeltorres1646
    @axeltorres1646 6 часов назад +25

    Que baile Dios mio... saludos desde Paraguay!

    • @lautarosolis4526
      @lautarosolis4526 3 часа назад

      Abrazos desde Argentina querido hermano Paraguayo, estoy muy feliz con su presente futbolístico, van a volver al mundial!!

  • @abd813
    @abd813 День назад +753

    I have been supporting Argentina since 1998 when i was just 8 years old.
    Forever Argentina win or lose!

    • @doorsdoors9920
      @doorsdoors9920 День назад +11

      Same here vamos Argentina ❤

    • @stansmith5610
      @stansmith5610 День назад +24

      😂😂 all of a sudden everyone supported argentina since back then

    • @castro5950
      @castro5950 День назад +4

      Me too

    • @fightingforce8498
      @fightingforce8498 День назад +6

      ​@@stansmith5610exactly 😂😂 he doesn't even watch football at 8...

    • @abd813
      @abd813 День назад +32

      @@fightingforce8498 I watched Crespo, Batisituta, Ayala, Veron in 1998 wc. This is how my journey to the football World began.
      Stop crying about every little thing. Grow up kids!

  • @vanessagarcia5411
    @vanessagarcia5411 День назад +44

    Felicidadesss Argentina! Desde Paraguay 🇵🇾❤️🤍💙

    • @RomanReigns-be9jj
      @RomanReigns-be9jj 23 часа назад

      Wow what a beauty 👍👍❤❤

    • @clau8836
      @clau8836 23 часа назад

      Muchas gracias querido Paraguay!!

    • @PSDJ9420
      @PSDJ9420 23 часа назад

      Yo quiero una paraguaya en mi vida❤🇦🇷

    • @NicoKautz-r5j
      @NicoKautz-r5j 23 часа назад

      Venite que festejamos juntos ❤

  • @NdaruNdarunugraha
    @NdaruNdarunugraha День назад +107

    Argentina benar - benar menggila.... love from indonesia

  • @walker_airbrush_studio
    @walker_airbrush_studio 5 часов назад +2

    Lord Argentina No1st in the worrld .. greeting from 🇲🇨 indonesia

  • @angelonavarrobarrezueta3848
    @angelonavarrobarrezueta3848 День назад +602

    Lo de Julián es bestial, como las pelea, como las corre, como lucha, como ayuda. Todos fueron golazos, pero me quedo con el del joven Simeone, partido liquidado, en casa, y la corriò como si fuesen perdiendo para marcar con el alma. Felicitaciones a Argentina.

    • @PiotrWalczak-po8fe
      @PiotrWalczak-po8fe День назад +40

      Julian Alvarez obecnie najlepszy napastnik świata, brawo Argentyna, Polska ❤

    • @postinero6696
      @postinero6696 День назад +1

      En si , a es "brasil" , hasta Peru le metia 10.

    • @MichaelGarcia-i2v
      @MichaelGarcia-i2v День назад +2

      😂😂 Julian Álvares freguês do flamengo igual o nanico do River plate kkkkk 😂😂

    • @stefanoherrera3465
      @stefanoherrera3465 День назад +24

      Debe ser actualmente el jugador con más espíritu de lucha. En el River, City, Atlético y la Selección siempre lo da todo para marcar y ganar. Si el partido dura 120 minutos pues corre los 120 minutos, crack total y dicen que es sobrevalorado 🙄

    • @clau8836
      @clau8836 День назад +15

      ​@@postinero6696los argentinos sentimos respeto, reconocimiento y cariño por Brasil nuestro rival histórico!! Están en una temporada difícil pero son Pentacampeones señores a Brasil se le respeta!!!

  • @shojibraj5076
    @shojibraj5076 23 часа назад +101

    Pure harmony and just mind blowing games Love you guys from Bangladesh

    • @Umar_Akmal_96_Official
      @Umar_Akmal_96_Official 22 часа назад +2

      Maturity is when U Realise,
      King Babar>>>Chokli Vadapav

  • @dragankitanovic6277
    @dragankitanovic6277 16 часов назад +96

    The old and the new world champion , well deserved , hi from Serbia

  • @sanchayanadak2988
    @sanchayanadak2988 3 часа назад +5

    Vamos Argentina 🇦🇷 ⚽️❤️🫶
    Love ❤ From India 🇮🇳

  • @mongolpower1945
    @mongolpower1945 День назад +378

    My favorite Football-Nation...Win.Congrats from Türkiye

    • @HectorMjGomez
      @HectorMjGomez День назад


    • @Limitedm11
      @Limitedm11 День назад

      Argentines dont like muslims. their presidens Is Zionist

    • @Burakzack
      @Burakzack День назад +3

      teşekkürler abi👌🔥

    • @AlimNursalim
      @AlimNursalim День назад +2

      Tim yang banyak pemain mahalnya dibantai habis habisan 😂😂😂.... Argentina juara dunia lagi 🎉🎉🎉

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 22 часа назад

      Argentina dont like Turkey

  • @zarifalrahi4871
    @zarifalrahi4871 День назад +265

    Argentina dominated the whole match. Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇦🇷

    • @Umar_Akmal_96_Official
      @Umar_Akmal_96_Official 22 часа назад +1

      Maturity is when U Realise,
      King Babar>>>Chokli Vadapav

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 22 часа назад

      dude Argentina is a racist country they dont like black or brown skin people that menas they hate you guys from bangladesh

    • @beastby9626
      @beastby9626 22 часа назад

      Messi>>>>>>>>>🤡 Penaldo

    • @JimmyAyan
      @JimmyAyan 21 час назад

      ​@Ummar_Akmal_96_Official madari

    • @YanVigil-sg2vl
      @YanVigil-sg2vl 21 час назад

      Viva Bangladesh y viva argentina 🙏

  • @alexis1071
    @alexis1071 День назад +133

    Que grande argentina papa, jugadores con huevos, corren todo el partido, saludos de chile 🇨🇱

    • @erickv1977
      @erickv1977 День назад +2

      los argentinos salen con todo, tienen que ganarse un paquete de galletas jajajaja

    • @Sole127
      @Sole127 15 часов назад

      @@erickv1977 la envidia no te deja disfrutar al campeón del mundo! Tu país vecino produce alimentos para 400 millones de personas. Está en n el top 5 de países que más consumen carne mundialmente! Si no fuera por nuestra influencia seguirían comiendo porotos en lugar de asado! Y no jodan que si no le prestamos más técnicos

    • @maxolloquendo
      @maxolloquendo 12 часов назад

      ​@@erickv1977un jugador de Argentina gana más que todo tu familia😂

  • @soylatino7741
    @soylatino7741 4 часа назад +3

    Como se juega con amor a su país y a la camiseta... Ojalá en Colombia, sus jugadores hicieran lo mismo

  • @estebankamui1
    @estebankamui1 День назад +140

    Q bonito ver jugar a Argentina, saludos desde Venezuela.

  • @S.M.ShahriarAhsan
    @S.M.ShahriarAhsan 12 часов назад +288

    The future of Argentina team is in good hands, bright. Messi must have become so relieved watching this match! What a show! 🔥

    • @antoniou.1158
      @antoniou.1158 10 часов назад

      a generation in soccer last less than 10 years. Most likely Spain will win this time

    • @Shivansh.Singh22
      @Shivansh.Singh22 10 часов назад

      ​@@antoniou.1158 finialism will tell many things

    • @バニラ_Vxnessa
      @バニラ_Vxnessa 8 часов назад

      na they wouldn't be able to keep up with the high tempo game this Argentina team plays​@@antoniou.1158

    • @lm7773
      @lm7773 7 часов назад +1

      ​@@antoniou.1158yeah true but world cup coming soon imagine this team with messi lautaro dybala ..etc

  • @MathiasSigeli
    @MathiasSigeli 8 часов назад +31

    As a chelsea fan i am very happy that enzo fernandez scored and assisted ,congratulations to Argentina

  • @bukan_fufufafa
    @bukan_fufufafa 4 часа назад +2

    Ciamik kaliii gol²nya Tango.. ❤❤ 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷

  • @flymarkus0957
    @flymarkus0957 20 часов назад +262

    Oh my God what a monster has become Argentina, whitout Messi and Lautaro they humiliated Brazil in such manner they controlled 90% of the match and created lots of potential goal opportunities. All in all another outstanding performance rendered by the pumas!

    • @gabrielabagala
      @gabrielabagala 19 часов назад +7

      Thx, but the Pumas name goes only for the rugby team 😉.
      This team is simply "la selección".

    • @AlanFormula12022
      @AlanFormula12022 18 часов назад

      Even without them, they always overcame the odds

    • @TechiT-w8y
      @TechiT-w8y 18 часов назад +1

      O bhai Brazil ke pass koi gud defender hi nahi ha aur na hi goalkeeper to kya ghanta karegi😂😂😂😂

    • @diegolreyy
      @diegolreyy 18 часов назад

      Los pumas son unos chetos cagones esto es futbol

    • @prontoonao
      @prontoonao 18 часов назад

      Humiliated ? 😂😂😂

  • @gamehub2864
    @gamehub2864 День назад +682

    que bonito es ver a alguien marcar su primer gol con su seleccion y aparte en un partido tan importante como este

    • @LaCronicaDelMal
      @LaCronicaDelMal День назад +47

      Es el 'Cholito' Simeone? 🧐

    • @nahuel1880
      @nahuel1880 День назад +20

      @@LaCronicaDelMal si wey

    • @MdSabbir-z1n7d
      @MdSabbir-z1n7d День назад +3


    • @wolver53
      @wolver53 День назад +23

      Totalmente, me encantó esa euforia con la que celebró Giuliano.

    • @rafikicastillo6862
      @rafikicastillo6862 22 часа назад +20

      Y además un golazo, el ángulo era cerradisimo

  • @dixonmanuelgomezmota9168
    @dixonmanuelgomezmota9168 День назад +284

    Le deseo lo mejor del mundo a la Argentina, felicidades hermanos por demostrar quienes son los campeones, abrazos desde Venezuela 🇻🇪🇦🇷

    • @minome6881
      @minome6881 23 часа назад +8

      No soy Argentino, pero ojalá y ustedes clasifiquen igual 🙏

    • @eduardojavierveraduofolkme2732
      @eduardojavierveraduofolkme2732 23 часа назад +8

      ☝️😃☝️⭐⭐⭐✨⚽🇦🇷🇻🇪 Saludos compañero estar. En las Buenas y en Las Malas que viva el Futbol.

    • @thiaguiniglesia5994
      @thiaguiniglesia5994 15 часов назад +6

      gracias locoooo igualmente para vos estamos muy emocionados y felices ir al mundial espero que puedan clasificar o ir al repechaje está muy peleado entre bolivia Perú Paraguay y Venezuela les deseo suerte 🇦🇷❤️🇻🇪

    • @metalero2311
      @metalero2311 14 часов назад

      @thiaguiniglesia5994 Paraguay? Paraguay está entre los 6 clasificados. La pelea es entre Venezuela y Bolivia. Chile y Perú ya fueron, tienen un fixture super difícil

    • @HenryGoRui
      @HenryGoRui 13 часов назад

      Argentines, cry out to God for your ugly economic crisis

    @LAKESHACOX 2 часа назад +2

    This was exactly what I needed, thanks!

  • @Pedrocortes1989
    @Pedrocortes1989 14 часов назад +78

    Que partidazo se mandó Argentina. Saludos desde Osorno, Chile 🇨🇱

    • @user_memesYT
      @user_memesYT 14 часов назад +1

      Gracias bro, las Islas Malvinas son de Argentina

    • @nosoyfelipe9237
      @nosoyfelipe9237 14 часов назад +1

      @@user_memesYTy que tiene que ver las malvinas?

    • @4s4lf4
      @4s4lf4 14 часов назад +2

      @@user_memesYT falkland

    • @user_memesYT
      @user_memesYT 14 часов назад +1

      @@nosoyfelipe9237 ah solo aclaraba, que las Islas Malvinas son de Argentina por derecho.
      Primero fue ocupadas por España y luego se las heredó a Argentina.

    • @user_memesYT
      @user_memesYT 14 часов назад

      @@4s4lf4 Meu amigo brasileiro que perdeu para um país menor que o dele.

  • @Sachin-fu7we
    @Sachin-fu7we День назад +142

    Julian Alvarez what a baller. The team has come so far from Messi dependecy in the last few years. I think this is the Golden generation of Argentina 🇦🇷

    • @minadel88
      @minadel88 День назад

      It never had dependency of Messi, because it's Argentina

    • @rickymaldo7363
      @rickymaldo7363 День назад +7

      @@minadel88did you watch the 2014 World Cup? You really don’t know what your talking about

    • @ЕрханАбильмансур
      @ЕрханАбильмансур День назад +4

      ​@@minadel88Месси два чемпионата мира на горбу нёс команду

    • @minadel88
      @minadel88 23 часа назад

      @@rickymaldo7363 i've seen it. messi was good at group stage and got lost on knockout

    • @minadel88
      @minadel88 23 часа назад

      @ЕрханАбильмансур единственную пользу сборной он принес сделав сделку с катарцами перейдя в псж и получив пенальти в матчах чм. аргентина и до месси выигрывала чемпионаты,там хватает игроков, как и сейчас. если бы он не промахивался в отственных матчах, то кубков было больше

  • @markaryuu
    @markaryuu День назад +56

    Que país tan grande! Saludos desde Argentina

  • @jlre6868
    @jlre6868 3 часа назад +2

    Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩

    • @shuannn
      @shuannn 2 часа назад


  • @PillTagar
    @PillTagar 13 часов назад +74

    A truly beautiful goal by Simeone 🎉 loved it btw all goals were amazing

  • @SenggrangPantoMarak
    @SenggrangPantoMarak 23 часа назад +2112

    This Argentina team played like a champion.. They are all killer unstoppable.. What a match wew...

    • @Umar_Akmal_96_Official
      @Umar_Akmal_96_Official 22 часа назад +11

      Maturity is when U Realise,
      King Babar>>>Chokli Vadapav

    • @minhkhoiphuong2772
      @minhkhoiphuong2772 22 часа назад

      @@Umar_Akmal_96_Officialmaturity is when you realise umar akmal is braindead

    • @putuwirawan3694
      @putuwirawan3694 22 часа назад +64

      @@Umar_Akmal_96_Official penaldog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @SolarSystem-k3y
      @SolarSystem-k3y 22 часа назад +10

      No Messi? No Worries. Messi should retire. Along with that old man Ronaldo.

    • @nf9098
      @nf9098 21 час назад +30

      ​​@@SolarSystem-k3ydifference is Messi can still play😂😂 probably the best playmaker still.

  • @brianutomo3704
    @brianutomo3704 День назад +219

    Vamos argentina, greetings from Indonesia 🇦🇷❤🇲🇨

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 22 часа назад

      dude Argentina is a racist country they dont like asiatics, black or brown skin people that menas they hate you guys from indonesia

    • @philosophy_bot4171
      @philosophy_bot4171 4 часа назад

      Beep, bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
      "The limits of my language means the limits of my world."
      ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein

  • @winstonstrongsongs
    @winstonstrongsongs 6 часов назад +4

    15 million views in just 20hrs

  • @MatiKRool-nk4sd
    @MatiKRool-nk4sd День назад +134

    Soy chileno pero lo que ha hecho scaloni con la seleccion es brutal. Supo reemplazar todo lo anterior con jugadores jovenes con ganas de triunfar.

    • @Thunder1923-c6t
      @Thunder1923-c6t День назад +2

      Argentinos crecidos y engreidos se viene baño de humildad en la finalissima

    • @j.c.torres7584
      @j.c.torres7584 День назад +6

      Para opinar es requisito escribir de dónde es uno?

    • @Tseriescopt64M
      @Tseriescopt64M День назад +1


    • @sequence2365
      @sequence2365 День назад

      ​@@Thunder1923-c6t jajajajaj que pasa gallego te tiembla la cola?

    • @clau8836
      @clau8836 День назад +6

      ​@@Thunder1923-c6tlamento tu envidia y frustración,bsolo vos podés resolverlo.... Argentina es humilde y conoce muy bien la derrota hemos perdido muchas veces la final del mundial y de copa américa, 2do, 3eros y nos dolió mucho pero reconocimos dignamente el primer lugar. Hoy somos campeones mundiales, de américa, de finalisima y sabemos que en cada partido los muchachos dejan lo mejor, ponen el alma. Si ganan festejamos si no los festejamos igual.

  • @mirabdulrehman3161
    @mirabdulrehman3161 19 часов назад +173

    This Argentina kits is one the best football kits I've seen. Absolutely beautiful

  • @sheesh7827
    @sheesh7827 День назад +283

    Brazil gave argentina so much space in midfield it's crazy, if messi played this would have been a massacre

    • @DanielSoto-g5v
      @DanielSoto-g5v День назад +23

      Les salió barato más bien se pudieron haber llevado 7

    • @aryanmalik4811
      @aryanmalik4811 День назад +31

      Already was. The keeper kept them from losing 6/7-0. And Cuti romero also made a rare mistake.

    • @ez31928
      @ez31928 День назад +7

      Brazil have to play like that to Argentina, Brazil isnt mexico. Argentina vs Brazil is a face to face fight. 🇦🇷🇧🇷💪

    • @tinyribbon
      @tinyribbon День назад +12

      If messi played argentina wouldn’t play as good as this, he might ruin the system.
      Not everything is about messi.

    • @martinmontesdeoca523
      @martinmontesdeoca523 День назад +3

      Y con di maria 8

  • @prin6833
    @prin6833 5 часов назад +24


  • @user-we8ii2fm5z
    @user-we8ii2fm5z День назад +281

    Dear Team Argentina, what a moment you have given us. Best wishes to you. We will be champions again. Bamu Argentina. I'm form Bangladesh.🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷

    • @ez31928
      @ez31928 День назад +12

      We love you Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇦🇷👋

    • @Nishatsabihamoon
      @Nishatsabihamoon День назад +4

      I am also❤❤🇧🇩🇦🇷🇦🇷🇧🇩🇧🇩

    • @RPD-RPK
      @RPD-RPK День назад +5

      Support your own country

    • @Ayooo-q9y
      @Ayooo-q9y День назад +5

      There was no need to write where u r from dude

    • @Nishatsabihamoon
      @Nishatsabihamoon День назад +2

      @@Ayooo-q9y why?

  • @oktarevalino
    @oktarevalino День назад +164

    Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩 ❤ 🇦🇷 Argentina

  • @AjomHasan-o8k
    @AjomHasan-o8k 22 часа назад +115

    We are Bangladeshi specially supporting Argentina. Our almost people support this team. People are haighly waiting to see fifa world cup 2026 champion Argentina again. I am special Argentina crazy friend. Love from Bangladesh.

  • @Guy23323
    @Guy23323 День назад +145

    Vamos Argentina❤❤❤Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @jairroblesperez2656
    @jairroblesperez2656 23 часа назад +110

    Como colombiano solo tengo que decir:
    Argentina gracias por tanto fútbol! Son los mejores !! Unos grandes!!!
    Sin discusión el mejor equipo del planeta.

    • @alcarrer2-8
      @alcarrer2-8 20 часов назад

      Que es colombia?

    • @joako3468
      @joako3468 20 часов назад

      Una gran seleccion de futbol, pero vos sos panameño no lo entendes​@@alcarrer2-8

    • @danielmacias429
      @danielmacias429 18 часов назад

      @ tu papá ustedes solo son futbol fuera de eso no son nada al lado de Colombia

    • @joako3468
      @joako3468 11 часов назад

      @danielmacias429 jsjsjsj narcolombia es conocido por un narco, eso es mucho peor HIJO

    • @imaotixx
      @imaotixx 4 часа назад

      ​​@@danielmacias429 Los que le ponen queso al cafe no tienen derecho a hablar

  • @lostboy9866
    @lostboy9866 День назад +219

    vamos Argentina love from Bangladesh 🇦🇷🇧🇩

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 22 часа назад

      dude Argentina is a racist country they dont like black or brown skin people that menas they hate you guys from bangladesh

    • @AdrianaGomez-xp5ql
      @AdrianaGomez-xp5ql 11 часов назад

      Gracias amigo !! Un abrazo ❤

    • @torf8209
      @torf8209 9 часов назад

      gracias, ¡¡happy independence day!!

    • @pipo2009
      @pipo2009 7 часов назад

  • @xxdarkknightxx5752
    @xxdarkknightxx5752 День назад +122

    Vamos Argentina love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇦🇷🔥

    • @Popi80s
      @Popi80s 13 часов назад +1


  • @НаташаРоманенко-л8п
    @НаташаРоманенко-л8п 14 часов назад +19

    Божественная!!! Гениальная Аргентина!!! Я люблю Тебя моя Аргентина!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @riaaulia1468
    @riaaulia1468 День назад +160

    The best team in the world, love from Indonesia ❤🎉

    • @Usuarionamberone
      @Usuarionamberone День назад +1

      Saludos a Indonesia y gracias por el apoyo a nuestra querida Argentina!

  • @JuanMaestre-y1u
    @JuanMaestre-y1u День назад +630

    Soy Colombiano, pero lo de Argentina es impresionante por donde se vea, tanto en lo emocional como en lo futbolístico, Argentina nos lleva mucha ventaja a todas la selecciones de Suramérica, es un equipo que puede ir ganando 3-0 pero no se conforma, busca masacrarte por más goles, y eso es impresionante, no es un equipo conformista, con razón es campeón de todo, me les quitó el sombrero, verdaderamente dan miedo, que equipazo tienen, saludos desde Colombia 🙌🏽

    • @vecinacucalacucaquelatiro6297
      @vecinacucalacucaquelatiro6297 23 часа назад +11

      Los nombres de los países, se escriben con mayúsculas. Veo que pones a Sudamerica y Colombia, pero argentina se escribe, Argentina 🇦🇷 saludos!

    • @exploderchetoskabum1948
      @exploderchetoskabum1948 22 часа назад +69

      @@vecinacucalacucaquelatiro6297 No tiene sentido la estupidez de corrección que hacés. El mensaje es claro y te fijas en un simple error.

    • @floppadasuopinion4566
      @floppadasuopinion4566 22 часа назад +14

      Bien dicho hermano cafetero opino lo mismo, saludos desde El Salvador

    • @golatinotv
      @golatinotv 22 часа назад +1

      pero no dicen algunos que gracias a la fifa es todo jeje

    • @CDJaramillo92
      @CDJaramillo92 22 часа назад +23

      ​@@golatinotvpura gente resentida, ya ojalá los troncos de mi país jugaran como Argentina

  • @joyoinameitei
    @joyoinameitei День назад +200

    You can never play mind games with Argentina. They are the strongest on and off the field.

    • @fightingforce8498
      @fightingforce8498 День назад +3


    • @copadelmundo1986
      @copadelmundo1986 День назад +11

      Poor Rapinha 😂😂😂 big mouth

    • @irfan19000
      @irfan19000 23 часа назад

      W8 and watch kidds........​@@copadelmundo1986

    • @lexkanyima2195
      @lexkanyima2195 23 часа назад +1

      Only if France take them.

    • @dannyartie8956
      @dannyartie8956 23 часа назад +9

      😂😆🔥You were right-trash talk is Argentina’s native language 🇦🇷⚽💪. And this comment is pure gold! Poor Raphinha, turns out he couldn’t walk the walk after all.

  • @d.p.6357
    @d.p.6357 13 часов назад +47

    Argentina 🎉🎉🎉
    Ena redkih reprezentanc, kjer še znajo igrati lep nogomet...
    Najboljši ste... želim vam zmago...
    ✌️&💞 from sLOVEnia 🇸🇮

  • @donstownmc3624
    @donstownmc3624 7 часов назад +3

    Las dos mejores selecciones están a la cabeza Ecuador y argentina las dos mejores campañas de estas eliminatorias

    • @matiasjoelachetoni1482
      @matiasjoelachetoni1482 Час назад

      Para colmo Ecuador con 3 puntos que le sacaron. Saludos desde Argentina y nos veremos en la última fecha estando ambos clasificados!

  • @luiguicoronel5536
    @luiguicoronel5536 16 часов назад +179

    Como buen sudamericano ver el gran nivel que tiene argentina da alegría y espero que vuelva a traeer la copa del mundo para todo sudamérica. 🇵🇪 Saludos de un hermano peruano.

    • @cxvxcvxcbxcvbb
      @cxvxcvxcbxcvbb 15 часов назад +13

      siempre con peru.....gracias amigo

    • @agustinmorillo8092
      @agustinmorillo8092 15 часов назад +14

      Gracias hermano, y ustedes tienen la mejor gastronomía del mundo entero

    • @kerzegamer8317
      @kerzegamer8317 15 часов назад

      Para Sudamérica no, solo para su pais

    • @cristobalmateo2892
      @cristobalmateo2892 14 часов назад

      ​@@agustinmorillo8092 ja ja ja

    • @animesmotk
      @animesmotk 14 часов назад

      No es para Sudamérica. Los argentinos siempre se han burlado de sus vecinos 😂😂😂

  • @deejayronky27
    @deejayronky27 21 час назад +86

    This all have started when they decided to play for Messi . And now it has transcended successfully from Messi to believing and playing for themselves. Sometimes you need a reason to believe and that was Messi. Now I’m happy for Argentina . Vamos Argentina!!!

    • @anewday1836
      @anewday1836 19 часов назад +5

      I am Argentinian, and I can tell you that Messi was an inspiration for the team. But, they have something else friendship, unity and talent. They played for Messi to win the world cup and for the people who's been suffering for so long.

    • @EnkiPtah
      @EnkiPtah 18 часов назад +1

      @@anewday1836 👍👍👍

    • @pawangupta7613
      @pawangupta7613 18 часов назад +3

      ​@@anewday1836 unity was taught by messi only his leadership qualities and sacrifices by giving penalties freekicks to his teammates showing confidence in them made them one team

    • @carlosmqb
      @carlosmqb 18 часов назад

      Cuando decidieron comprar a infantino paso todo 🤡

    • @fabrifox7663
      @fabrifox7663 10 часов назад +1

      @@carlosmqb debes tener 10 años maximo

  • @SanzanMahmudZisanJomadar
    @SanzanMahmudZisanJomadar 20 часов назад +28

    Hola, soy de Bangladesh. ¡Qué bueno ver ganar a Argentina! ❤️🇧🇩

    • @MrLaizard
      @MrLaizard 18 часов назад +1

      Argie here, you perhaos do already know that Bangladeshi and Hindustani fans are actually quite loved in Argentina

    @MDNAIMHOSAIN-ie1zt 4 часа назад +2

    Argentina football love that 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇧🇩🇦🇷❤

  • @trungdungdang5363
    @trungdungdang5363 18 часов назад +212

    As a Liverpool fan I am very happy that Macca scored and contributed to today's performance, congratulations to Argentina. What a win 🇦🇷❤

    • @AstroRVe
      @AstroRVe 17 часов назад +4

      Exactly bro I'm so happy for him❤❤😊

    • @kliffdragonsbane7136
      @kliffdragonsbane7136 12 часов назад +1

      Macca better striker than Nunez 🤣🤣

    • @Superman_1233
      @Superman_1233 5 часов назад

      ​@@kliffdragonsbane7136nunez cannot even save uruguay , he is know were close to Suarez and cavani😂

  • @riverax1046
    @riverax1046 День назад +71

    Argentina como equipo es muy superior a las demás selecciones, desde el DT, todas sus líneas antes de priorizar hoy por hoy individualidades, son un equipo

  • @singhaakash6629
    @singhaakash6629 12 часов назад +34

    I don’t know what kind of monsters Scaloni have built. This team is Scary. Vamos Argentina 🇦🇷

  • @fareselamine8115
    @fareselamine8115 5 часов назад +3

    Enzo's vision for his goal is great, you can clearly see the instinct in him to rush in once a wide pass is made - he knew one of the back line will give him further depth to creep in. Great assist too

  • @الاميرالالبوسيفي
    @الاميرالالبوسيفي День назад +93

    Grandchildren of Diago Maradona Messi's brothers congratulations for winning from the Middle East

  • @AbuhasnatSani
    @AbuhasnatSani День назад +124

    I am from Bangladesh ...Vamos Argentina...We love Argentina...

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 22 часа назад

      dude Argentina is a racist country they dont like black or brown skin people that menas they hate you guys from bangladesh

    • @gorvespian
      @gorvespian 21 час назад

      Bangladesh ya son hermanos, increible las muestras de cariño en cada competicion que juega Argentina. Sincero abrazo y gracias por el constante apoyo. Me acuerdo los videos durante el mundial de los festejos en Bangladesh cada vez que ganaba argentina, impresionante

    • @gabrisg2383
      @gabrisg2383 21 час назад

      Argentina dont like Bangladesh

    • @MdIbrahim-q9l9b
      @MdIbrahim-q9l9b 17 часов назад +1

      ​@@gabrisg2383 no one care about you

  • @ToeBest
    @ToeBest 16 часов назад +230

    An exciting match between two of South America's top teams. Argentina showed their class as the reigning World Cup champions.

    • @arturito4709
      @arturito4709 15 часов назад +1


    • @veloce2007
      @veloce2007 15 часов назад +2

      Top team Brasil..?😂😂 Anyone in south America bests Brasil these days...The real brasil from the past would have Argentina for breakfast with messi together.
      You have a very short memory.

    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams 15 часов назад +1

      Football inspires me.. My parents said if i get 10K likes on my vid They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally

    • @anyhandlewoulddo
      @anyhandlewoulddo 15 часов назад

      @@ISCExams Begging wont bring you 1ok likes, marketing will

      @DJJAHIDULMIX999k 13 часов назад


  • @Kirill_____14
    @Kirill_____14 4 часа назад +3

    Just great football from Argentina
    With love from Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  • @RomeBou
    @RomeBou 11 часов назад +17

    Lo que genera Argentina que hasta , los tres videos más vistos de conmebol sean de partidos de Argentina

  • @gabzzly
    @gabzzly День назад +260

    De parte de un panameño que gran seleccion tiene argentina, que calidad, se disfruta viendola, hay campeon del mundo para rato, con o sin messi son los mejores

    • @animashsharkar622
      @animashsharkar622 21 час назад +4

      Because arg team play like a family❤️Vamos Argentina 🙏❤️

    • @BautistaRodriguezOlveira
      @BautistaRodriguezOlveira 20 часов назад

      Gran partido de Argentina, aún sin su mejor activo, fueron muy superiores.
      Viendo este partido y contando con la aportación del suizo en momentos decisivos, diria que son invencibles.

    • @uelelu2090
      @uelelu2090 14 часов назад

      Brasil é melhor e Messi não ta nem nos pes das lendas do Brasil

    • @GustavoAngelGarcia-ru7hd
      @GustavoAngelGarcia-ru7hd 13 часов назад +1


    • @GustavoAngelGarcia-ru7hd
      @GustavoAngelGarcia-ru7hd 13 часов назад +1


  • @brianfeka
    @brianfeka День назад +526

    I have became argentina fan since world cup 2002, i was a little kid back then. It's a great feeling to see them lift the world cup trophy in 2022. Viva argentina! - from indonesia 🇲🇨

    • @abeshdas6130
      @abeshdas6130 22 часа назад +10

      World cup 2002 ????
      That was a horrible world cup for argentina
      How did you became a fan watching 2002 world cup ????

    • @JayaniPraket
      @JayaniPraket 22 часа назад +16


    • @wayanmantraz1477
      @wayanmantraz1477 22 часа назад +4

      @@abeshdas6130i have a friend that supports Arsenal. They never won any major trophy for the last 20 years? If i’m not mistaken. Guess what? My friend still support them even at their lowest season.

    • @Benzuma
      @Benzuma 22 часа назад +3

      Sebelum di translate ke bahasa Indonesia bendera nya Merah putih tapi pas di translate bendera nya berubah kayak Bendera malay😂

    • @blangsters216
      @blangsters216 22 часа назад +8

      @@abeshdas6130 maybe because he loved their wc run unlike u who are clearly a glory hunter

  • @AburtoMaldonado
    @AburtoMaldonado Час назад +1

    You explained this so well, thank you!