Yes, I know, this was a disappointing mess of a season and it never should have existed and all that.
But if you were to continue from the seasons end, what would you do?
And yes I am also aware that this may be the final season, some fans in Japan seem to think so, some are hoping not, that when they said "climax of series they meant most important arc, not ending arc. Who knows, but either way...
If you were in the writers room, what would you want another season to have or not have?
I found the ending to be rather interesting, we don't know what has/will happen to Ai (is she still the Hell Girl as well as Michiru? What will Michiru do with her new position? Will she last as the Hell Girl or will she fall to her emotions and break the Lord of Hell's rules?
Lots of questions and zero answers.
I really like the idea of two Hell Girls, could be interesting plot wise and relationship and character building.
The first six episodes were just fine to me, I rather liked the Michiru part, and I was so excited when I first heard this was coming out. I think it existing is alright, but the recap part wasn't well-thought out. I didn't wait ten years ish to rewatch episodes I rewatched a few times already while it hides under the guise of another season..
Michiru could continue her work as Hell Girl, to ease the workload on Ai. I feel like a good way for the series to end would be Ai actually being freed from her job and being able to finally rest, but then I don't really want her to go.
I'd pick another season, this should have been a 6 episode ova thing and not considered a season. Let's get some real story going on now that we have another character that's similar to Ai. Free the souls of the cast, let them see heaven? More returning characters? A showdown between Ai and the lord of hell again, maybe where she takes over and stops the hell link from existing anymore. There's a lot of potential for more here.
Of course, I don't have much faith in more happening but I'd welcome it if they didn't do it in this format ever again.
I am so upset with this season especially the last episode, they introduced a new character and the first 6 episodes were interesting and even though it was kinda similar to what happened in the previous season they could have worked on it and came up with a new twist in the final 6 episodes but noo, they just had to recycle old episodes for no apparent reason ! they should have at the very least made the final episode relevant to the story even if it had an open or ambiguous ending that would have been okay, but leaving it all like this is simply disappointing, I really hope they do something about this and fix it with a 5th season even if it will only be 12 episodes, please give us a continuation of the Michiru story with no recaps ! *grr emoji*