Scientist Dies; What She Was Shown On Other Side Changed Everything She Believed (NDE)

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • 📖 Check Out Our New Book: Stories From The Afterlife!
    ✨ Check Out More of Anna's NDE Near-Death Experience!
    Dr. Anna Stone, a former government scientist and skeptic, never believed in the supernatural-until the day she died. After suffering massive internal bleeding from an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, she flatlined for nearly six minutes, leaving her body and experiencing a state of existence beyond time and space. In this otherworldly realm, she encountered an astonishing version of herself, received a single, cryptic message-*“Nope”*-and was violently pulled back into her body through her navel, experiencing excruciating pain upon return. This profound experience dismantled her rigid scientific worldview, revealing to her that consciousness transcends the physical body. Following her NDE, she abandoned her former life, embraced a path of spiritual exploration, and discovered latent abilities, including heightened intuition and psychic sensitivity. Now, she dedicates her life to studying consciousness, healing trauma, and helping others navigate their own spiritual awakenings.

Комментарии • 415

  • @LifeBeyondtheVeil
    @LifeBeyondtheVeil  Месяц назад +23

    We just published our first book, "Stories From The Afterlife", and it’s all thanks to YOU! Your support, curiosity, and encouragement made this possible. 🙌📖
    Check it out here 👉

    • @ScotVenus
      @ScotVenus Месяц назад +3

      The editing in this video is shocking. So off putting that I’ve unsubscribed

    • @francespotter7697
      @francespotter7697 Месяц назад

      ​@@ScotVenusI don't think it's been edited I think it's just been sped up to keep it under 20 minutes. The result is that it's jerky & difficult to listen to. I tried to reduce the speed but the option's not there in settings. I agree it's a bad call and makes it very unpleasant to watch.

    • @garykeenan2934
      @garykeenan2934 Месяц назад +1

      @@LifeBeyondtheVeil there are only two destiny's "beyond the veil" and it is up to ourselves, to choose what journey we will undertake. Satan has tricked you into believing anything, except the truth of Christ the Lord. You have been deluded, conned and deceived by his lies and fictional apparitions of an afterlife, an afterlife that is non-existent. This false teaching is leading thousands of people to believe his lies. Because of these lies, people are going to be condemned to an eternity without Christ, an eternity of hopelessness! Turn to Christ whilst able, your only going to get one chance at it, just one. Stop believing the lies of Satan.

    • @timothynelson6918
      @timothynelson6918 23 дня назад

      Tough to please everyone. I actually thought the story and message was great.

  • @lauramancini9377
    @lauramancini9377 Месяц назад +45

    Love when people hear it was pre-planned. It really makes the struggle easier.

    • @kobalt77
      @kobalt77 Месяц назад +5

      and now more than ever, it is a struggle.

    • @Pajhnubhlis
      @Pajhnubhlis Месяц назад +4

      It sure does... i remind myself all the time that I planned all this sadness ... this is not the end. It's only going to get better soon... very soon.

    • @rock-chameleon
      @rock-chameleon Месяц назад +4

      In my personal experiences… it was during or after struggles that I bore the most fruit.

    • @Mercipher21
      @Mercipher21 25 дней назад +3

      Why would you say it makes it easier for you? Why do you think we would pre-plan our struggle and suffering? I recently left a religious cult, so I'm trying to deconstruct and reconstruct and I'm really interested in other perspectives. Thanks!

    • @mahoganyeclipse3909
      @mahoganyeclipse3909 14 дней назад +1

      ​@Mercipher21 Having left a strict religious cult myself some years ago, I can tell you that you'll gain a perspective that shows how much some things follow patterns that aren't in humanities best interests. Once you become aware of certain things, you can't 'unsee' them. It might be a tough pill for those around you to swallow, but that's their path.

  • @FawnhillFarmhouse
    @FawnhillFarmhouse Месяц назад +16

    My Aunt also experienced NDE. She floated to the ceiling and the nurse who she had gotten close with was crying. She could see the doctors in the room as well as other nurses come in and working on her. She quickly went back into her body and later asked the nurse if what she had seen what actually happened and the nurse even confirmed that yes it all happened and that indeed she had been crying when my aunt passed. There are so many people who have shared their NDE experiences and generally, they are somewhat similar and it makes me realize that there has to be life after death and it makes the dying process so much more less frightening. Thanks for the channel.

  • @BBrce-w7o
    @BBrce-w7o Месяц назад +20

    Great to hear you are helping others.

  • @Domzdream
    @Domzdream Месяц назад +32

    Bravo to this lady. She’s incredible. I completely believe her and what she went through.
    Quite an incredible experience that made her life turn around.
    Much, much love to her.

  • @AWKuhns
    @AWKuhns Месяц назад +13

    So amazing. I would actually like to meet this person. She sounds so honest. God bless her on her journey.

  • @NDEStories8
    @NDEStories8 14 дней назад +3

    Hey you, yes you! 💫 Just a little reminder: you look absolutely amazing when you smile. 😊 It's like your own personal sunshine! Don't forget to flash that beautiful smile today - it has the power to light up the world around you. Keep shining! 🌟

  • @Liberallez
    @Liberallez Месяц назад +22

    Fascinating!! Years ago... I had a similar experience with alcohol!! No NDE (I think) but on the spur of the moment I went to California with some friends and went without drinking for about 6 months!! When I came back an acquaintance offered me my favorite drink (rum and coca-cola) but my throat spasmed and I physically couldn't swallow it! I took that as a sign that I shouldn't put that shit in my body and now 60 years later I have rarely had an alcoholic drink and... I don'[t even want it!!🤔🤨

  • @laserus3333
    @laserus3333 28 дней назад +5

    I drowned . Changed me as well. I became a drug abuse counselor in LA at the VA .

  • @67sdd
    @67sdd Месяц назад +18

    Very cool, I've heard you before 🙂. Lot's to take away; thank you again!

  • @bestlifeever4548
    @bestlifeever4548 Месяц назад +8

    I had NDE and remember cells dying off and feeling like going deeper and deeper gone. I had been overdosed on stateall when giving birth and was dying and they tried to reverse it and put me on table to do emergency c section after ready to do it normally and felt scalpel and flinched and said something and then they gave me more meds to knock me out and not feel anything. It was such a yo-yo of drugs and feelings and was really traumatic and remember while dying saying I cant I have 4 little boys I have to take care of because no one else will. And trying to hold on fighting it. I did in fact end up raising them on my own with no help or support and now they are 17 to 24. I have lost so many loved ones and worked in hospice and later became PA in the military and now through many experiences believe in these stories and everything and hard because not like the way explained by church or when growing up in religion. It both felt very medical and spiritual. Like being outside yourself but there and tried to get attention but saw wasnt doing what I was trying to do like move arm. It has made me look on life and death differently. I understand what she meant by having no more emotion and remember after fighting it letting go of all those thoughts/feelings and accepting of what was happening almost even disappointed coming back. I wish I could get her help with my son from this birth who is now 17 and struggling and think she could actually be helpful. I had him 2 days before my birthday and we are close but too close to help in way he needs it. He almost died a couple years ago but has made him push things further and worried will happen again.

    • @moniquemurphy4851
      @moniquemurphy4851 Месяц назад +2

      Single mom of four boys - You are amazing! May your path be clear of obstacles and may your blessings be many. May you and yours be happy, content, and at peace.

  • @Seven.And.The.RaggedTiger
    @Seven.And.The.RaggedTiger Месяц назад +22

    I absolutely need a factory reset.. I'm in a limbo state in life,and absolutely am lost at what to do,i oray,and beg God for help but its seems to get more and more numb,more lost and have no understanding of why or how to fix things.. if everything is preplanned,i really would like to know,why then there seems to be no plan

    • @Babesinthewood97
      @Babesinthewood97 Месяц назад +6

      I think what she’s saying doesn’t make any sense. Some nde are real but maybe this one isn’t. If you are ”numb”, start doing things to liven you up: adopt a kitty or 2 and give them your love and kindness, get creative and create craft, art, design, and things that may interest you, create a garden and grow your own vegetables, berries, nuts, fruit and flowers, start exersising a little bit every day, read a good book not just religious books, go swimming and visit the sauna, redecorate your home, listen to music, bake and have a nice cup of tea and cake, go for beautiful walks, dress in comfortable, clean and beautiful clothes, visit thrift shops, have a self care day, get a massage by a massage therapist, get a hair trim, go and watch a play, invite someone nice for dinner, feed the birds in the garden or park, learn a new skill.

    • @fleacat5799
      @fleacat5799 Месяц назад +8

      Hey. I'm going through the same thing. Actually, I bounce between knowing and desperation. The latest thing I'm trying is, instead of trying to create, I'm asking what I'm meant to create. I'm starting today. I have come to the conclusion that, if something isn't working for me, maybe I should ask what to do instead of demanding a solution that I think should be. IDK. I'm not giving up, I know that much. No matter what, we really need to keep trying. We are all one. All love to you.

    • @tweeniebee3032
      @tweeniebee3032 Месяц назад

      @@fleacat5799meditate with Mooji and Shunyamurti, see the alchemist, Bashar, Tolle, Morgue, Cannon, Jeff Mara, near death experiences and learn truths. It’s fun🙏

    • @Domzdream
      @Domzdream Месяц назад +2

      So myself, I’m exactly on the other end of the scale. I actually originally trained to be an actual priest when I was in my teens. But learning and studying biblical stuff made me become an atheist. Which I still am to this day (agnostic atheist).
      Over the many years I have actually grown to become a bit too rigid in my skepticism. I discredited and made fun of people like this lady. But mainly since late last year I have given this a lot of thought and I have realised that I have stopped learning. Don’t get me wrong, being skeptical about everything is actually a good thing because then you can have the ‘space’ of navigating through what is potentially bullshit versus what is truth.
      So what I do now is I listen to people. I pay really close attention what people say. About their experiences. No matter how far fetched they seem.
      It’s not my place to determine what is credible versus what isn’t. That is arrogance and judgement. And ultimately useless.
      What is useful though is to listen to these people and learn something new, because they could very well be right.

    • @Domzdream
      @Domzdream Месяц назад +1

      But just to add - listen. If your religion speaks to you, then follow it. I’m f that is what bro G’s you peace, then focus on that.
      If it is something that interrupts your flow of progression, then discard it.
      We are all on our own little journey through life.
      As long as you don’t follow something simply because someone told you to follow it…or else….you’re good.
      I guess it’s up to you. I’m ya possibly your cross roads.
      Good luck mate 😉

  • @byroniac
    @byroniac Месяц назад +7

    This is so inspiring!

    @FUNNY_MONEY__ Месяц назад +4

    There is a difference between "that was preplanned"and "everything is preplanned" though.

  • @ellie.l6585
    @ellie.l6585 Месяц назад +25

    Did I miss the part about everything being pre-planned? When was she shown this?

    • @mustangmikep51
      @mustangmikep51 Месяц назад +5

      she mentioned it very briefly...

    • @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap
      @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap Месяц назад +1

      Genesis 1:26 talks about the plan in case you're curious.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap the bible talks of donkeys and snakes that talk, a flat earth with a suspended firmament, and dead people getting up after three days and dancing a jig.. and a loving god that destroyed a planet and all life on it but a boat load to hide his error of allowing nephalim. says a lot of silly things.

    • @euphoricnaturalsapothecary8121
      @euphoricnaturalsapothecary8121 Месяц назад +2

      Around 12:18

    • @jenniferandrews8449
      @jenniferandrews8449 Месяц назад +12

      She didn't expand on it. I believe we all choose our lives before coming to earth. Our families, strengths and weaknesses, hardships, etc. We choose these things with help from our spirit guides/guardian angels to choose the things in our life that will help our spirits learn the lessons we need and want to learn!

  • @3373-g8z
    @3373-g8z Месяц назад +34

    You can’t see allegories, that’s why you won’t see religious figures. Man-made organized religions have done great harm to our real relationship with Deities and the spiritual world.

    • @mynameisnobody3931
      @mynameisnobody3931 Месяц назад

      Technically its bad people that influenced those religions, not the religions themselves. Although some religions are built on a toxic basis

    • @Balzall22
      @Balzall22 Месяц назад +8

      Well those religiouns worked because they gave us moral ground but there is dogmas too in that religions. So ı think moral ground important teaching of jesus are not bad they are important you don't have to believe him as a god

    • @jokinomx
      @jokinomx Месяц назад

      @@Balzall22The history of organized religion is rife with examples of very immoral and inhumane practices. Completely ignoring the teachings that they espoused for centuries.
      Religions are hypocritical as they themselves ignored the very gospel of Jesus and his disciples.
      What this means “morality” is not exclusive to religion. They used morality as a tool to only gain trust from their followers and continued to lie, cheat and abuse their members. The world would be a better place without any religion spreading their version of morality. Actions speak louder than words and the actions of religious leaders over the centuries proved that they actually didn’t care about what they were saying, they said one thing and did another. 🤔😒

    • @FancyFelines
      @FancyFelines Месяц назад +10

      Many who experiences near death experiences say they saw Jesus.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@FancyFelines many say they see allah, odin, ancestors, etc. you 'see' what you have accepted as truth, been exposed to, or have been conditioned to believe. ndes are crap based fever dreams.

  • @jeffhresan2886
    @jeffhresan2886 Месяц назад +2

    Another riveting NDE testimony. I also like some of the comments below regarding her experience. Our life experiences play a part in what happens when we die. Having spent 46 years professing Christianity only to start a historical journey to confirm what I religiously believed and then to also study NDEs has helped me develop a more centered understanding of life and why we are here on earth. We all live and breathe and have our purpose inside a divine matrix. The creator creates the experience in life we have. Do we have free will? Yes, but still, we operate inside something orderly. It isn't easy to understand since I haven't crossed over as many others have. No, this, the created, is still a piece of the one who made it. If so, become who and what you were meant to be by simply seeing what you want with clear intention followed by a strong emotion that you have it, putting your left foot in front of your right foot, and you will create your reality if that's what you truly want in life. Peace!

  • @kobalt77
    @kobalt77 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you and God bless that lady

  • @RainFall-wz2yp
    @RainFall-wz2yp Месяц назад +14

    9. I live in an invisible prison made up of rage and grief and despair and trauma

    • @LifesABeach444
      @LifesABeach444 Месяц назад +4

      Free yourself. You’ll live in that same cage when you die too, if you can’t overcome it here. That’s where the hellish NDEs come from. Most of us come to earth for the trauma and hardships. You can do it. 💪

    • @aprillady444
      @aprillady444 Месяц назад +7

      I am praying for you 🙏 ❤

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +3

      GET HELP GD DAMMIT. same whinging posts on every stupid nde forum over and over . you create your own prison by not getting help.

    • @StarryVeenP25
      @StarryVeenP25 Месяц назад +2

      Praying for you

    • @StarryVeenP25
      @StarryVeenP25 Месяц назад


  • @timothyw7663
    @timothyw7663 Месяц назад +7

    She seems very credible to me.

  • @frankhanrath7752
    @frankhanrath7752 Месяц назад +3

    After studying NDE for several years.. it's concluded that there are a total of 33 aspects of a NDE but not all occur in every one. Only 10 to 20% of those that temporarily die have a NDE. The experience is greatly influenced by Cultural, Traditions and Religions. As humans, we create our own reality. Even in death we create this reality as well through info stored up subconsciously. All NDE individuals that had a Hellish experience never remained there, someone always appeared and took them out or they came to. The majority of Hellish experience was due to the individual was under the influence of a drug or alcohol, or was in a negative emotion such as fear ect. Due to the consent of these entities from drugs, alcohol and fear ect.. the individual allowed these entities to play out a negative experience within the NDE. Alcohol is called "SPIRITS" for reasons. Our spirit always knows what is best for us, so if a Hellish experience is what takes us to get our lives turned around for the better and SCARE you straight, then so be it. NDEs happens for reasons and the individual almost always returns and changes for the better or does a 180 from previous life choices. Ultimately nobody knows what occurs fully once an individual dies as no one has remained dead to tell about it.

    • @annurai5196
      @annurai5196 Месяц назад

      U have finally spoken. 100%

  • @NovaWriter-b3p
    @NovaWriter-b3p Месяц назад +2

    By far my favorite NDA

  • @lofatmat
    @lofatmat Месяц назад

    Wow she is spot on with the out of body experience! I had something similar, moved with thought, aware who I was like yes seeing all around!

  • @dianevrana2933
    @dianevrana2933 Месяц назад +1

    My adult son is an active alcoholic with severe anxiety/depression, etc. I wish he could have a “reset” like this, and could then become all that he is meant to be. Can you see anything for him or our family as far as healing and moving forward?

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +1

      stop relying on 'psychics' and 'tarot readers' and people claiming to have nde accounts to sell books. get help if not for him, for yourself. YOU need support too.

  • @rickb2267
    @rickb2267 Месяц назад +1

    19:07-19:12 "Nobody wants to hear advice from somebody who has never experienced what they have been experiencing". That is why God came down and was born into human flesh and suffered the injustices and atrocities we inflict upon each other. Jesus sweat great drops of blood at the thought of what He was about to go through as a human for us, His children, via an unjust trial, torture, and death. Jesus knows all we have been through because He cares and He loves you. What a great gift to you that have been able to experience that first hand! ❤

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      nope. you cite a book as proof of a book. circular reasoning. try again.

  • @4588ron
    @4588ron Месяц назад

    Great post. Thank you!

  • @sunnymon1436
    @sunnymon1436 Месяц назад +2

    Hearing is one of the last 3 things to go (hearing, breathing, heart beat).

    • @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885
      @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Месяц назад +1

      and there is a secret to listening to go to the other side while in your body also - see my free research on it. thanks

  • @ketesafewyalefemedia2378
    @ketesafewyalefemedia2378 Месяц назад

    I learned something very interesting from this scholar about near death experiences.
    Our senses are not in our physical body, but in our souls.
    Basically, our soul is a combination of "mind, emotion, and will." As well our physical body is a combination of
    " blood, bone and skin "
    But even though our soul is our life it manifested in our physical body.
    I also learned that our mind is manifested in our mind, which is very interesting. One of the most amazing things
    After this woman almost died, she saw everything in the 4th dimension in 360 degrees.
    Now I understand why when we live on earth we don't see things in 4th dimension because our physical body prevents us from seeing everything in 360 degrees, but as soon as we leave earth and ascend to the next world we perceive everything in 360 degrees. because we are out of our physical bodies.
    A wonderful revelation.
    Thank you, and may God bless you abundantly.

  • @hill0344
    @hill0344 Месяц назад

    I think it’s really shitty when spirits are shown for a brief moment that their loved ones are “fine” when they aren’t even aware that their loved one has died yet like in this case. Also I think spirit realm doesn’t always show a soul how hard it will be for their loved ones because then they wouldn’t want to cross over

  • @suzygibbs2425
    @suzygibbs2425 29 дней назад +1

    What I want to know is if it's all planned ECT why don't we have the ability to opt out of the body/ life when things go bad or your in pain 247 and there's no cure...I want to leave this body and go on to the next thing if there is one that is.
    I've really had enough of chronic constant pain

  • @d.vaughn8990
    @d.vaughn8990 Месяц назад +4

    I look for common threads in these NDE’s. Can’t say, I find too many. Maybe the NDE is taylor fit to the individual - who knows?
    I am a believer in Christ, but I have an open mind to NDE’s. I am quite certain that we know less than we think we do.

    • @bestiefswlady5251
      @bestiefswlady5251 Месяц назад +1


    • @TempleOvBlackLight
      @TempleOvBlackLight Месяц назад

      The afterlife will greet each individual based on the beliefs, culture, etc. that they hold onto. Or in some situations maybe even subconsciously hold.

    • @aldeo3495
      @aldeo3495 Месяц назад +1

      I've found a lot of commonality in people changing and wanting to help others. Being calmer and happier themselves.

    • @jillmaltby
      @jillmaltby Месяц назад

      I fully agree no one knows only when they die.

  • @Domzdream
    @Domzdream Месяц назад +3

    I used to go through those feeling on a nightly basis when I was about 3 yrs old I guess. One of my oldest memories. The feeling of being everywhere and being tiny both at the same time. I know it sounds weird and contradictory, but I swear I know exactly what she’s talking about. I’ve always wondered what the hell that was. To this day I’m wondering if I should do a hypnosis regression to find out what the hell that was.

    • @dvdmon
      @dvdmon Месяц назад

      Have you looked into meditation and nonduality? This is something I've heard people talk about in those circles. Usually it requires a level of insight beyond just typical mindfulness meditation, although certain practices, like "The Headless Way" can actually provide shortcuts to it.

    • @Domzdream
      @Domzdream Месяц назад +1

      I've actually been doing deep meditation every night lately, for about 3 weeks now. I used to do it regularly for reasons of lucid dreaming, but my intent has shifted. Though I have to say, if your intent is to lucid dream, you will absolutely achieve this.
      Apparently I am quite lucky because I feel all 5 senses when I dream. A lot of people mainly have sight, hearing, and touch.
      When I do fly, I feel the vapur of the clouds on my face, the coolness of the air whizzing past me. I know it's all in my head, but man it's great! The closest to lucid dreaming I find is when I play No man's sky, wearing my headset, using the jet pack to fly.
      You know it's a game but you kind of feel the exhiliration. Lucidity is much more intense though.
      I will look into 'the headless way', many thanks for that.

    • @TheWondernaut
      @TheWondernaut Месяц назад +2

      I had very similar experiences as a child. Especially the "feeling tiny" part. I would have moments when I felt like I had shrunk to a tiny size and everything around me was gigantic. It was always very mesmerizing.

    • @Domzdream
      @Domzdream Месяц назад

      I wonder what that is. Is it past life stuff? Or simply in the brain? We are ultimately made of star dust, which I htink is quite beautiful when you think about it. Is it residual memories of this?
      But yes, I felt that simiolar way, beign huge, galaxy-wise huge, and teeny timy to almost atomic level at the same time. It used to stress me out as a kid. I remember my mind being blown away at this. I used to get into sweats over this. Proper stressful stuff.
      Also, I went through a few weeks of every night rushing (during this same time of the large/small feelings), feeling like I'm travellng at the speed of light, my mind barely able to keep up, and just travelling upwards at massive speeds, like being in a rollercoaster ride, but feeling that G force x 100! Then I'd slow down, flaot, then it would start again. And this was for hours, or at least what it felt like. This happened to me for a few weeks. I was mentally so exhausted after this. I remember thinking - please no more! Made me cry from exxhaustion.
      I've always wanted to get hypnostised to find out wha tthat really was, but I never got round to it.

    • @wendi-bnkywuv
      @wendi-bnkywuv 9 дней назад

      @@Domzdream I had experiences like that too. Turns out it was a poor diet (went vegan way to suddenly).

  • @ljalpena3552
    @ljalpena3552 Месяц назад +2

    If it’s all pre planed then I can’t make a choice on my own.

    • @pipercraven-zd9ui
      @pipercraven-zd9ui Месяц назад +2

      It appears that a 'loose agenda' is hashed out beforehand, but can change at any moment because we are the co-creators of said loose agenda and we are gifted with Free Will.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +5

      when you 'plan' a trip to disney world for vacation do you map out every second of that trip? what cars you will pass? who will be in them? the conditions of the park or hotel? what you will eat to the last calorie? how many breaths you will take? how many times you will have to use the bathroom? etc? the life PLAN is an outline of what you wish to do and learn and see and experience... your assigned tasks... but is not a minute by minute accounting. you have free agency just as you can take any detour along your road trip to disney, see other attractions, or go somewhere else altogether.

    • @ParkJiminFTLFFProductions
      @ParkJiminFTLFFProductions Месяц назад

      @@argophagley5309 ooh very nice analogy 👏

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @ my Emotional Support Badger told me what to say. i keep him in my underpants so i can stay calm and focused during times of stress. he's alright for a badger except i have to give him two 20 minute smoke breaks daily... it's in the contract. apparently badgers are notorious chain smokers.

  • @kellygarner7760
    @kellygarner7760 Месяц назад +6

    Beautiful Eyes!

  • @ihuman7253
    @ihuman7253 Месяц назад

    We the human race need many more like you to progress our race 😊

  • @moulaymahdi2077
    @moulaymahdi2077 Месяц назад

    Like many people, Dr. Jeffrey Long is a sensitive and receptive personality who asks questions and tends to find answers. Regarding life after death, it is essential to understand that we do not exist here simply to exist! We are here for a very specific purpose. No one runs just to run. We run to achieve a goal. Our existence on this earth is a way to cultivate our souls, destined to manifest themselves differently in a better world.
    A very advanced civilization chose to protect itself from bad souls by cultivating good souls on Earth. A globe chosen and prepared for this alternative. The trials in this space, in duration and in form, forge the attitudes and aptitudes of merit through the characteristics of our emotional intelligence. In other words, Earth is a laboratory for cultivating good souls for elsewhere: Paradise.

  • @Veve7
    @Veve7 Месяц назад +2

    Human science is legimate and a proper counterpoint to natural science.

    • @dvdmon
      @dvdmon Месяц назад

      Humans are part of nature, so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Possibly I think you mean consciousness studies vs. more physical-based sciences like chemistry, physics, even biology?

  • @holytrashify
    @holytrashify Месяц назад

    There are definitely negative and positive emotions on the other side, she just wasn't there long enough to experience them, and is lucky she didnt.

  • @ronparis7172
    @ronparis7172 Месяц назад +1

    Some of the NDE’s I listen to don’t seem real. Today’s seemed very believable.

  • @wildlifeview
    @wildlifeview Месяц назад +1

    Beautiful skin

  • @sc5216
    @sc5216 Месяц назад +2

    She sounds and moves her eyes just like Mila Kunis.

  • @EveresttheYorkie
    @EveresttheYorkie 16 дней назад

    I wish we didn’t need to die to get a karmic reboot by dying. Wait… she got hired as a teacher without a college degree? 😮

  • @oriel9347
    @oriel9347 Месяц назад +3

    Whats happening to her background ?

  • @yulduzc4129
    @yulduzc4129 Месяц назад +9

    Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏

  • @michelemarch8270
    @michelemarch8270 Месяц назад +1

    Thank You💖🙏🏻💖

  • @loveeveryone8057
    @loveeveryone8057 24 дня назад

    I too had a near death experience. I did a heroic dose of dmt, hallucinating like 👍 crazy. Met God, met some really nice elves, yeah i am now qualified to preach that i know it all.

  • @maegandiagostino985
    @maegandiagostino985 Месяц назад

    I had an NDE 6/3/03

  • @Blondegirly22
    @Blondegirly22 Месяц назад +6

    I feel she is telling the truth

  • @StarryVeenP25
    @StarryVeenP25 Месяц назад

    10:00-lol it scared 😱 the crap 💩 out of the medical 🏥 staff

  • @BeyondDeath868
    @BeyondDeath868 Месяц назад +32

    *Jesus' love is greater than your fears, stronger than your doubts, and deeper than your pain. Rest in Him, for He is your Savior and your refuge. Amen.*

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +15

      no thanks. the only thing i need saving from is the god of the bible who thinks love requires death and blood to forgive

    • @bosatsu76
      @bosatsu76 Месяц назад +10

      THOUSANDS of these NDE's... And 99.9% disagree with you... Jebus is not required to be anything but a metaphor and an example of fighting against the very evil you propose here... He is NOT anyone's savior. He will not save you from the actions and consequences you yourself are making right now...

    • @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap
      @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap Месяц назад +4

      Remember, the student is not greater than the teacher. They hated Jesus, so they will hate us too, but in the end, every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    • @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap
      @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap Месяц назад

      ​@@argophagley5309 ....It's because sin is rooted in human blood. The human genome contains a death gene, but that was not how God initially created us, so God's perfect justice demands blood, but God loved us too much to allow humans to be lost forever, so he sent his only begotten son to die in our place, but make no mistake, Jesus was in full agreement with his father. His father did not force him. Jesus said himself, "No one takes my life, I give it." Jesus now sits on the throne, at the right-hand side of his father.

    • @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap
      @Jesus.Bridged.The__Gap Месяц назад +2

      @@bosatsu76 ...Actually, that's not true. The majority NDE"S have Jesus in them.

  • @apreviousseagle836
    @apreviousseagle836 Месяц назад +11

    every time I hear "tarot readings" or "mediums" I pretty much discard the story, sorry.
    At least this one was "almost' believable.

    • @bobobrien8968
      @bobobrien8968 Месяц назад

      Same with me.

    • @apreviousseagle836
      @apreviousseagle836 Месяц назад

      @@bobobrien8968 She's a scientist, but also does tarot readings. Ok then. I should also add the word "manifesting". I hear that, and I shut down.

  • @angierox6964
    @angierox6964 Месяц назад

    Got to love the previews! Stop stop stop stop

  • @michaelgrosso6432
    @michaelgrosso6432 Месяц назад +3

    A remarkably compelling story.

  • @kramnam4716
    @kramnam4716 Месяц назад

    Trauma events as reset. Yep. If we don’t pay attention life will serve us up a bigger one next time!

  • @builder.d
    @builder.d 24 дня назад

    Don’t you wish that world leaders could have and learn from a NDR

  • @3373-g8z
    @3373-g8z Месяц назад +7

    I used to help others, and heal people. Then I moved to Pennsylvania, where people DESPISE kindness, or energy healing etc…
    I went from the Southern “Bible belt” where energy healing, positivity, vegetarianism and kindness are extremely popular, to a place that I’m not even sure is in America! So, now I only heal animals, it still works great, no placebo effect , no arguments, no satanic accusations. I didn’t even know there were still racist white people! And in Pennsylvania there’s lots, AND they only listen to Rap music! PA is insane. I was warned not to move here, I didn’t believe them!
    Oh, and apparently there’s no drunk driving laws.

    • @YX4zf3
      @YX4zf3 Месяц назад +4

      Pennsylvania's not like that. Not the whole state anyway. I have lived in Pennsylvania all my life, and there are many, many people here who are kind and compassionate.

    • @ret.stockbroker663
      @ret.stockbroker663 Месяц назад +2

      good one

    • @gloriahuman5652
      @gloriahuman5652 Месяц назад +1

      I live in PA also. Sorry you are having this experience . I haven't traveled much, so I can't compare other cities about kindness. However, you are spot on about the horrible driving in PA.

  • @tamimariscal6694
    @tamimariscal6694 Месяц назад +1

    Wondering if they verify with the daughter at college?

  • @annagornas3572
    @annagornas3572 Месяц назад +1

    I am very skeptical regarding such things because I can't help but wonder where 'heaven' is, or that place people go to when they have an NDE and see God. For one thing, heaven is strongly associated with the Christian religion, which is just one of many religions and is a construct created by humans to understand life and have a system to live by. So scientifically it doesn't work for me that our soul/consciousness/energy would leave the body and magically find itself somewhere beyond the stratosphere, in space basically - and where exactly? Where do these people having NDEs come back FROM? And where do we pre-plan our lives and why? We do that and then fly to Earth with our blueprint to experience it?
    At the same time I remember very well that I once left my body after a short meditation and didn't come back for 3 days. I stayed put, I didn't go anywhere, but it was as if my thoughts and feelings were coming from outside of me. My body was functioning as usual but my consciousness was disconnected. It was absolutely the scariest thing that ever happened to me because I thought it would stay like this forever. Luckily I'm back in my own head now, but I have no idea how to explain what happened.

    • @pipercraven-zd9ui
      @pipercraven-zd9ui Месяц назад +2

      Great questions. It's all so wild. I guess we'll know when we know.

    • @ajwehrig7068
      @ajwehrig7068 Месяц назад

      There are many things in life that can't be explained by science. Just a point to remember. Miracles happen every day... and those can't be explained away!

    • @childoftheking-b9i
      @childoftheking-b9i Месяц назад

      Have you ever read ' Mere Christianity' by C.S Lewis?
      He ran from Jesus for years, but in the end, he gave in, as the evidence for the resurrection is so incredible

  • @derekspradling7452
    @derekspradling7452 28 дней назад +1

    Amazing story, but I also see humor in the experience. A divine nope.
    I love that. Genuinely. I get the concept of a zip file brain download too. Haven't felt it though.v

  • @irenitele8497
    @irenitele8497 Месяц назад

    Therr might be longer video and this is just the reduced version.

  • @Catsmeow90
    @Catsmeow90 Месяц назад +4

    She is very hard to listen to and follow.

  • @Everydreamdeservesachance
    @Everydreamdeservesachance Месяц назад +1

    Something is missing here. Psychic/reasoning/logic? Is she selling her "services"? Something is missing here.

    • @cowjjf
      @cowjjf Месяц назад

      She’s telling her story freely

  • @erinjk123
    @erinjk123 Месяц назад

    flat like.. I wonder if that person is going to make it.

  • @writemysoul
    @writemysoul Месяц назад

    The sub conscious mind can do so much. You cant die and then come back. If you really dead you are dead. Now you come and tell people your story that you imagine when you almost died

  • @DanIrving-m8h
    @DanIrving-m8h Месяц назад +5

    Now that you know that there is an afterlife I hope you have accepted Jesus Christ as your King 👑

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      nope. not my GOD. i have no 'king'. i live in a democratic republic.

    • @indianairlines
      @indianairlines Месяц назад +3

      I don't think she has. She did not mention God once; and she still reads tarot and contacts people through the spirit world, which the Bible tells us to have nothing to do with as it is witchcraft.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@indianairlines bible also tells you to stone ppl to death for sin, that genocide is good if god has you do it, that women are to be subserviant to men and have a natural USE ie baby making... that the world is flat.. says a lot of silly things.

    • @eulaliabarredo3159
      @eulaliabarredo3159 23 дня назад

      learn to cook then you do not need to use religion to oppress women.

  • @mojorohring5176
    @mojorohring5176 Месяц назад

    Why does she remind me of Drew barrymore

  • @wendykornfein3337
    @wendykornfein3337 Месяц назад +2

    I truly believe every word. So happy for you, to have had this experience, except physical discomfort.

  • @garykeenan2934
    @garykeenan2934 Месяц назад +2

    Beware, delusion, from Satan, comes in many forms and guises! For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15.
    Do not be fooled by Satan ( adversary) and his legions. They will, and do, send great delusional decoys and beliefs, in order to throw you from the narrow path that leads to Jesus Christ, the only way to the Father. Be alert, always. G.K.🙏🙏🙏

    • @childoftheking-b9i
      @childoftheking-b9i Месяц назад +2

      Very well said Gary
      I was involved with paranormal and new age teaching for over 20 years, and unfortunately, have heard this type of recollection many times over.
      We know that scripture teaches that there is a supernatural world out there, but that we can be deceived by it - that not everything is from God.
      As you rightly said, Satan can transform into an angel of light in order to lead many astray.
      People may ask as to why this is the case?
      The answer is that the beings people come into contact with, or the messages they receive, contradict what Jesus taught. Very similar to when people recount messages from 'aliens' etc.
      The beings usually say that it doesn't matter what you believe, that all paths lead to God.
      Yet Jesus said " I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father apart from me."
      The fact that quite often, people become more interested in spiritualism and the occult, on their return - shows that they are being drawn into false teaching and away from God.
      Jesus said to come to him and to keep far from counterfeit spirituality which teaches lies about His message.
      I wish I had known sooner!
      " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life"
      John 3,16
      As C.S Lewis said - Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic or the truth - those are the only options. The things he said about himself, make him far more than some great moral teacher.

    • @anti-hyperv4797
      @anti-hyperv4797 Месяц назад

      Which sucks. Almost unfair/cruel.

    • @childoftheking-b9i
      @childoftheking-b9i Месяц назад +2

      Which part do you think is unfair?

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      beware. the god of israel created satan.

    • @anti-hyperv4797
      @anti-hyperv4797 Месяц назад +1

      @ That "God" allows simpletons, like myself, to be deceived (by satan) so easily. Life is hard enough,.

  • @delee24
    @delee24 Месяц назад

    I always think it’s crazy how I pre planned my life because I don’t know why I would pre plane to have kids so late In life but I guess. It’s just not as a human I really want.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      birth control is cheap these days ya know?

    • @delee24
      @delee24 13 дней назад

      @ I don’t understand this comment. I had kids late in life… LATE in life! 39 my first and 42 my second. Reading glasses are also cheap ya know 😑

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 13 дней назад

      @ i dont care if you were 17 or 100.... birth control is cheap. perhaps english is your second language?

  • @ConquestusWorks
    @ConquestusWorks Месяц назад +8

    Freaky story.

  • @johnkarpinski1122
    @johnkarpinski1122 Месяц назад +2

    Sounds scary 😨yo

    • @cesarango01
      @cesarango01 Месяц назад +2

      Not at all. I've been studying NDEs and the similarities and levels of knowledge is amazing. Living is the inferno and test of all humanity.

  • @Patricia-hu8gi
    @Patricia-hu8gi Месяц назад

    Where’s his accent?

  • @argophagley5309
    @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +1

    doctor of what? government scientist of which agency? and she is a tarot reader? and sells books. oh yeah... no red flags here! what crap.

    •  Месяц назад +1

      what an open mind you have, if we can only all be like you.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      there is a difference between having an open mind that is discerning and an open mind that happily accepts everything as truth without question. if i set up shop as a brain surgeon and called myself a doctor, would you trust me to open your skull based on the 'doctor' before my name? what if that doctorate was in underwater basket weaving? i could have a 200 dollar bull shirt 'doctorate' degree from some online university, and be a janitor at a government agency, like chemistry and call myself a scientist. does that make me trustworthy?
      if you wish to open your mind like a chasm and welcome everything you read or see on social media.. for it ..

    • @m0rdresh
      @m0rdresh Месяц назад +1

      Would be a weird scientist not knowing when you drown, you don’t swallow water in your lungs - the body prevents that and hags the throat. It’s okay, I take it she is none of that in the medical area.

    • @dvdmon
      @dvdmon Месяц назад

      @@argophagley5309 I'm agnostic about NDEs including this one, however, I think you missed the fact that Dr. is a common prefix for those who have earned Ph.D.'s in some field, not just medical doctors. She mentions in the interview that she's earning or has earned a second Master's, and on a Ph.D. track. It's unclear when this video was shot, but if it was recent, then obviously the description isn't correct as she probably has not earned her Ph.D. and you don't get to use that prefix until you have. Just did a bit of digging and apparently the Ph.D. is in transpersonal psychology, which is a type of Jungian psychology. There is a cardiologist with the same name, so I wonder if somehow the channel looked her up, so that prefix and assumed it was the same person?

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@dvdmon i am well aware of the doctorate degree. i can pay for the title 'doctor' by taking online courses in some bullshirt field of study like theology or other. a title means nothing but sadly book writers and spiritual pimps love to hang the title like a lure . oooh! they are a doctor! they MUST be the real deal!
      i once long ago consulted a spiritualist root ' doctor ' think modern day hedgewitch with african origins who on receiving a degree from a theological university began calling herself doctor. i asked once why jews leave stones at their dead's graves and she made something up not knowing i knew the answer. she claimed jews want to capitalize on christianity by stealing the symbolism of the stone in front of jesus tomb. lol.. smh. just say 'i dont know'. the answer btw is that stones are cheaper than flowers, they last forever, and are a sign to the family that someone cared enough to pay respects to ones dead relative.
      psychology is largely crap these days. a 'therapist' i saw briefly was proud that she was now certified as a "eye movement desensitization and reprocessing" therapist! lol smh. with moderate success rates and limited data pools from small studies they claim to be the next best thing in ptsd and other therapy. i think sticking pins in voodoo dolls while rubbing slippery elm ooze and eating a buzzards egg would be just as effective.
      the people that peddle these accounts use click bait titles, so that should tell you they have only one interest. monetization.. while the originator of the event often has the same end game.. book/class/ reading/psychic sessions etc.
      i'm sorry but imo nde are crap. they are at best a PERSONAL message to an individual who is NEAR death.. from their own brain and if helpful to them, wonderful. keep it to yourself. the moment you try to peddle your experience for profit youre just another spirituality pimp in my book.

  • @bobobrien8968
    @bobobrien8968 Месяц назад

    It’s a bit confusing. If your heart stopped for 6 minutes, they would not stop working on you and give up so quickly. Especially a very young person, in a hospital.mUnless you mean six minutes from the time they stopped cpr on you. For a scientist, your story is vague and sketchy.

  • @kelseykjarsgaard5774
    @kelseykjarsgaard5774 Месяц назад

    Still sounds like it may be a soul trap

  • @Occupied_South
    @Occupied_South 29 дней назад

    For the love of God, don't confuse tarot and witchcraft with anything good.

  • @amsumalivallaart2805
    @amsumalivallaart2805 Месяц назад

    Don’t get it
    Open minded skeptic
    Did you have an NDE or not ????
    WTF is the word skeptic
    You died and woke up somewhere else
    How dense can one be to still be an open minded skeptic????

  • @TheStrick10
    @TheStrick10 Месяц назад


  • @calebmurdock2028
    @calebmurdock2028 День назад

    Authentic NDE, if a little dry and matter-of-fact. Nothing truly remarkable or different from the others.

  • @gloriahuman5652
    @gloriahuman5652 Месяц назад +6

    Very interesting story. But am highly perplexed about tarot reading. I dont think that is good.

    • @tweeniebee3032
      @tweeniebee3032 Месяц назад +2

      Everything was created by God so everything and everyone IS a part of God, the creative Force. It’s how we use it that turns it positive or negative as we have the free will to choose🙏

    • @MassimoAngotzi
      @MassimoAngotzi Месяц назад

      You really believe every BS, don’t you?

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад +2

      @@MassimoAngotzi i believe i am not wearing pants

    • @dawnpence3248
      @dawnpence3248 Месяц назад


  • @patriciajansen-melgarejo3896
    @patriciajansen-melgarejo3896 Месяц назад +1

    De woorden stagneren, moeilijk te volgen l.... 🤔

  • @babywipes2416
    @babywipes2416 Месяц назад +3

    The background music sounds like my tinitus... it hurts. Cool story tho

  • @ecstatica1123
    @ecstatica1123 Месяц назад +2

    this sounds like a papameat animation, that or this is AI. We are entering the dead internet zone. OPERATOR!! I NEED AN EXIT!!!

    • @francespotter7697
      @francespotter7697 Месяц назад

      I think the original recording has been speeded up probably to keep it in the 20 min range. So it's jerky and the quality is not good but I believe the content. Shame we have to consider whether everything is fake now though isn't it? I think you can tell from how something in you responds. This is not AI in my opinion.

    • @dvdmon
      @dvdmon Месяц назад

      The Matrix? :)

    • @ecstatica1123
      @ecstatica1123 Месяц назад

      @@dvdmon haha you know it... the matrix has us by the balls😄

    • @ecstatica1123
      @ecstatica1123 Месяц назад

      @ maybe it's not AI, but that day is coming make no doubt about that. I've already been fooled, it's insane how good AI has gotten, so quickly. I'm now starting to fear for the future, i wasn't worried in the past, but I am now.

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@ecstatica1123 ai is not the enemy. the humans using it for corruption are.

  • @rjsimpkins2911
    @rjsimpkins2911 Месяц назад

    You had legit NDE, but only saw but the tiniest taste of that world. Would it not be productive to take what you absolutely know and extrapolate from NDEs of other legit experiencers to flesh out the big picture?

  • @elektron2kim666
    @elektron2kim666 Месяц назад +1

    "Your spirit/you are gone" is valid in science, the law, physics and the church and they issue a certificate. The pastor say you are with God and your body is recycled to Earth. It's incredible how we don't talk about it much. Why is a glitch not important either? You went into a temporary departure or are in both dimensions on a daily basis, but it's kind of ignored.

  • @actionsportshi
    @actionsportshi Месяц назад

    So, do you believe in god?



    • @moonstar21868
      @moonstar21868 Месяц назад

      Jesus has been taken out he’s not coming

    • @dinahcolbert9103
      @dinahcolbert9103 Месяц назад

      Taken from what?​@@moonstar21868

  • @cynicalcely6015
    @cynicalcely6015 Месяц назад +1

    Its incredible that she says she's a scientist for Darpa yet she can barely speak coherently....

    • @dvdmon
      @dvdmon Месяц назад +1

      I didn't get that at all, I understood everything she said. You may not believe her experiences were anything other than neural firings, but she seemed pretty clear to me. Not sure what was incoherent about her account. It followed a pretty clear narrative. Did you need actual data about that experience, like physical readings she took on the other side? Not how this stuff works, even for a scientist, regardless of what you think the experience ultimately means.

  • @lusinehakobyan1236
    @lusinehakobyan1236 Месяц назад

    Did you try to find God ? you should be careful because there is other spirits can be involved

  • @letswatchtv957
    @letswatchtv957 Месяц назад

    A scientist doesn't wear that much make-up

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      no, but my vietnamese potbellied pig does. i like to dress it up like a ballerina with a tiara and lots of makeup.

  • @colincreath4695
    @colincreath4695 Месяц назад

    Someone chose to be Jeffrey Dahmer. Someone CHOSE to be Jeffrey Dahmer? That's what you're saying?

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      serial killers are not born. they are made over time. bad genetics. bad influences. bad experiences. hitler wanted to be nothing more than an artist and architect. he applied pre ww1 to the art institute and was deemed too pedestrian though his water color works were rather impressive. stalin was in russian orthodox seminary until ww1. neither were born monsters. in life we make bad choices. IN LIFE. . that derail our destiny.

  • @docastrov9013
    @docastrov9013 Месяц назад +3

    38 in 2016, she looks good for 47.

  • @lindawagar-zl8ik
    @lindawagar-zl8ik Месяц назад

    She does not sound anything like a scientist. Fraud.

  • @actionsportshi
    @actionsportshi Месяц назад


  • @joelbuzbee1750
    @joelbuzbee1750 Месяц назад

    -Jesus is the way- The Truth-The Life- all this other stuff is not true

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      only to christians. quoting a book does not make it truth.

  • @StarryVeenP25
    @StarryVeenP25 Месяц назад +1

    I’m watching this video now and in 2016 I was 32 years old going on 33 years old. Hope this video won’t traumatize me

  • @melanievanbrummelen1392
    @melanievanbrummelen1392 Месяц назад +7

    Praying for you… may you find Jesus’s love to heal your beautiful heart.

    • @digitalsamurai42
      @digitalsamurai42 Месяц назад +5

      And I pray for you... that you can have more love and less fear.

    • @Balzall22
      @Balzall22 Месяц назад

      ​​@@digitalsamurai42If there is no fear there is more likely no moral ground because bad people would always act as a bad person we would not need hell idea or judging idea if there is no anything like that dictators are just doing their job...

    • @argophagley5309
      @argophagley5309 Месяц назад

      @@Balzall22 there is no hell in traditional judaism. its a nORSE word for the goddess of the viking underworld.. misapplied to tartarus , duzakh, and sheol ( the grave).
      you can be moral and upright without fear. i choose to do good because it is right.. not because i fear some twisted palestinian god burning me alive forever.
      hitler was a roman catholic until 1938. stalin started off as an orthodox seminary student. try again.

  • @allrawpaul
    @allrawpaul Месяц назад +1


  • @seemeicu
    @seemeicu Месяц назад +4

    That person she saw on the other side was more than likely a great, great, great grandmother, whom she looks just like. It's said that the elderly look the age of 30 in the afterlife.

    • @watchme2day
      @watchme2day Месяц назад +2

      Her story doesn't sound like a legitimate NDE but more like a fabrication made by someone seeking attention. People who have actually had real NDEs don't say the things she's saying

    • @tychophotiou6962
      @tychophotiou6962 Месяц назад +1

      Why not her mother? Her great great grandmother would be in another incarnation by now!

    • @tychophotiou6962
      @tychophotiou6962 Месяц назад +1

      @@watchme2dayI thought similar. I think you are probably right. And wearing make up to look like a corpse to make it more convincing!

    • @geokengburton2988
      @geokengburton2988 Месяц назад +1

      you have got a second chances to seeking the truth in our Lord in Jesus. you are very blessed to have such a charges of life.

    • @brianjob3018
      @brianjob3018 Месяц назад

      @@tychophotiou6962 I pondered that too, including those humans who die in the womb or quite early and 'grow-up' in heaven while their spirits, sometimes quickly, move on to new bodies and lives. My conclusion is we're seeing *memory lives* with a personality but w/o a spirit in Heaven when we encounter a dead relative that's already reincarnated.

  • @Juice_Angel
    @Juice_Angel Месяц назад +1
