The Beatles, Strawberry Fields Forever - A Classical Musician’s PLAYLIST

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • #thebeatles #johnlennon #paulmccartney #georgeharrison #ringostarr #virginrock
    This piece of music is like a garden… It keeps growing!
    Here’s the link to the original song by The Beatles:
    • The Beatles - Strawber...
    / @amyscut
    / @littleliesel
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    If you want me to do a First Listen and In-depth Analysis of YOUR song of choice, or if you want an exclusive 1:1 session where I can answer your questions, dig deeper into a topic, or even coach you in your musical experience, such as a music theory, piano, or harp lesson, singing, music reading, etc, follow this link:
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    I’ve formed the habit of publishing all the names of my supporters simply because I appreciate your appreciation of my work, and I want to recognize each one of you personally. But, unfortunately, RUclips allows a limited number of characters for the description, and I cannot fit all names anymore. So, this is my message to each one of my supporters personally:
    Amy Shafer, LRSM, FRSM, RYC, is a classical harpist, pianist, and music teacher, Director of Piano Studies and Assistant Director of Harp Studies for The Harp School, Inc., holds multiple degrees in harp and piano performance and teaching, and is active as a solo and collaborative performer. With nearly two decades of teaching experience, she teaches privately, presents masterclasses and coaching sessions, and has performed and taught in Europe and USA.

Комментарии • 138

  • @haraldputensen7955
    @haraldputensen7955 День назад +1


  • @coreywiley3981
    @coreywiley3981 2 дня назад +16

    This is my favorite Beatles song (which is a hard thing to single out because I basically like every Beatles song). The demos and early takes of this song are also beautiful, by the way. One of my favorite parts is the melody and chord movement in the refrain: "Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about."
    When the song is played in the key of C (which is how I strum it on the guitar), if you cut to that part, it lands on an A7, but with a shade of B♭ diminished. The line "Nothing is real" has an unresolved, ominous impression, but on "and nothing to get hung about," the tone suddenly shifts to a very triumphant, heroic F major. Then it moves back to A, but now the ominous feeling has dissipated-like it just switchs from a scary landscape to a brilliant and colorful one.
    On the bit "Strawberry Fields Forever," it shifts back to F but as an F major 7, then to C major, with a quick add9 thrown in there-and it feels like relief, like ahh now we can relax! One of my favorite moments in a Beatles song-or in any song!

  • @rascatripp
    @rascatripp День назад +7

    Amy, I enjoy the perspective and depth of your reactions. You are one of the few You Tube channels I enjoy the most. And also noticed your generosity when you Introduced Chritina to your viewers. You have a Wonderful mind.

  • @David-mo5jw
    @David-mo5jw 2 дня назад +10

    It’s like a small child humming to its self good thoughts,bad thoughts,pull yoursel together thoughts,unfiltered with intellect .
    It reminds me of a Picasso painting that speaks to our feelings over our intellect ,we know it’s having a conversation but we can’t put it into words ,it’s beyond that

    • @dylanmcdermott1110
      @dylanmcdermott1110 17 часов назад

      Interesting. For me, Picasso appeals to the intellect, but I'm not particularly moved by his work. I mostly enjoy the geometric patterns (at least with his cubist period). I find myself emotionally engaged in the expressive use of lines (opposed to shape) in abstract art (e g. Kandinsky, Pollock).

    • @David-mo5jw
      @David-mo5jw 11 часов назад

      I think we’re talking about the same thing only the manner in which we get there.
      Picasso for me at times paints like a child which is actually a huge compliment,I feel that Lennon in his own way manages the same and takes us with him.
      Really enjoy your work

  • @stevenboettcher4796
    @stevenboettcher4796 День назад +8

    I could listen to you playing Beatles songs on the harp all day.

  • @minmodulation
    @minmodulation День назад +4

    I think this is the best Beatles song for sure - even just for always having variation. The lyrics are great, the melodies and chord progressions are great, the production is great, everything is the best that the Beatles has to offer.

  • @jeanmarieboucherit7376
    @jeanmarieboucherit7376 2 дня назад +11

    I don’t think there can be a more important, deeper, more beautiful and challenging song on your playlist.

  • @fredneecher1746
    @fredneecher1746 2 дня назад +12

    Thank you, Amy! Your idea of analysing how a piece of music achieves the emotional effect it does is incredibly rare among reactors on RUclips. I look forward to more of this style.

  • @jenscee7679
    @jenscee7679 2 дня назад +7

    Wonderful thoughts Amy. Glad to see you understanding what we’ve been prattling about for 2 years. It’s a song that gives something new every listen.

  • @0okamino
    @0okamino 2 дня назад +6

    Super strong way to start the Playlist, Amy. 👍🍓

  • @menopausalmusician414
    @menopausalmusician414 День назад +2

    My Favorite Group and My Favorite Channel! Peace

  • @seajaytea9340
    @seajaytea9340 2 дня назад +5

    This is a brilliant revisiting of an amazing piece of music. I think this is a furtherance of your "in-depth" analysis, but I believe that is the way you approach and appreciate music. It's the 'professor' in you. And it's what, I believe, your audience has come to love about this channel.
    Looking forward to the next song on the Playlist!

  • @freespyrit
    @freespyrit День назад +1

    very well done amy! I Have Many favourite Beatle songs, But Strawberry Fields jumped out of my speakers and grabbed me from the first sounds that emanated on my first hypnotic exposure to it. And it's never let me go. 😎

  • @AlfredoRoccia
    @AlfredoRoccia День назад

    All amazing, but one cannot ignore the making of this song while analysing it. That's essential.

  • @richardfehlmann4593
    @richardfehlmann4593 2 дня назад +7

    I enjoyed these elaborations on the first piece of music on the playlist tremendously 👌😃 Texture and "richness" of tonalty (including Lennon's voice) are the fingerprints of this piece that draw the listener so much into it, well said 🤗
    Old ladies house ... such a great imagery that it evokes, wonderful! Harmonic rhythm ... I loved to learn what this term means. Rhythmic flexibility ... also so well explained 👌😊
    A delightful exploration 👏👏👏👏
    I will certainly keep my eyes and ears open for more to come 🤞😀

  • @-R.Gray-
    @-R.Gray- 2 дня назад +7

    One Beatles song you haven't covered and worth looking at is "Rain" from 1966. This was the B-side of "Paperback Writer", and besides having a practical philosophical message, has a number of innovative recording aspects - backwards vocals, the use of varispeed on the lead vocals.

    • @hw343434
      @hw343434 2 дня назад +2

      Rain is an epic song

  • @saphirzafiro7777
    @saphirzafiro7777 2 дня назад +5

    great analysis - imagine how mesmerized a classical music-educated George Martin must have been the first time John came with the brand new song and played it to him on his guitar

    • @hw343434
      @hw343434 2 дня назад +3

      They were all in stunned silence at the end the first time John played it for them on his acoustic guitar

  • @sophitsa79
    @sophitsa79 День назад +1

    Amy's mix tape! How fantastic!

  • @dalegallacher7074
    @dalegallacher7074 День назад +1

    If this was the only thing John Lennon ever wrote it would still propel him to the top of greatest songwriters
    the Beatles are the only band that you can ask 100 people name their top 3 Beatle songs and you would get a different answer every time

  • @wishawweather5421
    @wishawweather5421 2 дня назад +4

    I love hearing the imagery the indroduction conjures in your mind. Being introduced to this song as a very young child it put images of Autumn into my mind, changing colours, fungi, mists, fruits. Like walking through a woodland path during the fall with the odd golden leaf meandering gently to the ground.

  • @Darth_Lunas
    @Darth_Lunas 2 дня назад +4

    Excellent choice! ❤

  • @richardfehlmann4593
    @richardfehlmann4593 2 дня назад +4

    ❤ Wonderful to receive this reaction (or better exploration) 👌😃

  • @Hartlor_Tayley
    @Hartlor_Tayley 2 дня назад +2

    The opening Mellotron evokes a secret passage to the Victorian age. The scent of horses and baking bread. It’s interesting that you had such a similar experience. The best songs you can smell. Thanks for the harp playing and your charming insightful discussion.

  • @comedyriff5231
    @comedyriff5231 2 дня назад +2

    Strawberry Fields Forever truly has it all: the melody, the harmonic progression, the lyrics, the concept, and the production. Watching this video one aspect comes to mind - John Lennon had a remarkable talent for playing with major and minor tonalities. While the concept seems simple - everyone knows major and minor - but very few can use it in a way that feels rich and evocative. The way he shifts between the two, and the precise moments he chooses to do so, creates an atmosphere that perfectly complements the lyrics and the mood of the song.

    • @hw343434
      @hw343434 2 дня назад

      Exactly, John Lennon was the ultimate master at reflecting the mood of the lyrics with his chord progressions and melodic choices. The music and lyrics merge into one, also happens with “Across the Universe”, “I’m only Sleeping” and many other Lennon gems

  • @salipander6570
    @salipander6570 2 дня назад +2

    Rich without becoming posh. Rich and even eclectic without becoming tacky. Rich at its best. This goes for so many songs of that era, with the Beatles on top. The late sixties were a cultural and musical high of the Western world. It started to decline gradually from then on, unfortunately...

  • @BillWalker3rd
    @BillWalker3rd День назад

    What an important song! The beginning of music videos, psychedelic rock, expanding the genre “rock” into progressive rock, and a wonderful Lennon effort! Strawberry Fields Forever!! ❤ (Oh, and John was the walrus in the vid, and he didn’t bury Paul!!)

  • @gerrydantone6834
    @gerrydantone6834 День назад

    Like many others, I've been listening to Strawberry Fields Forever, from its release and I still love it. It is immortal.

  • @verdiloesmann
    @verdiloesmann 2 дня назад +1

    Amy: "Imagine..."
    Me: "...all the people living life in peace" 😄

  • @samguberman2288
    @samguberman2288 2 дня назад +5

    For me this is the greatest song ever written.

    • @bitdropout
      @bitdropout День назад

      It's in the top three. The others ?
      " I Am The Walrus"
      "A Day In The Life".
      McCartney was the most musically gifted, but Lennon just topped him with those three masterpieces. Imagine having to compete with McCartney then coming up with these. Divine.

    • @bobtaylor170
      @bobtaylor170 День назад


    • @bobtaylor170
      @bobtaylor170 День назад

      Listen to "Stardust," by Hoagy Carmichael. It's the greatest American popular song, possibly the greatest song ever written. Listen to the whole song; Frank Sinatra recorded just the verse as an experiment in the early '60s.
      But find a recording of the whole song, maybe by Nat King Cole or Ella Fitzgerald or even Carmichael himself. ( Hoagy Carmichael was the first great singer/songwriter America ever produced. In a way, he was to the idea of the singer/songwriter what Charlie Chaplin was to the idea of the movie star. )
      George Harrison was a huge Hoagy Carmichael fan.
      I'm 72, and have been a Beatlemaniac since I heard Please, Please Me on a Houston radio station in the summer of 1963. The Fabs were remarkable and wrote many great songs. The synergy of the four of them produced something new in at least twentieth century show business, collective genius, but greatest ever?
      Here's a random song from 1947 which comes to mind, Sarah Vaughan's premiere of Tadd Dameron's brilliant ballad, "If You Could See Me Now." Listen to that and tell me that The Beatles ever came up with anything as deep.
      Listen to Frank Sinatra's recording of Harold Arlen's/Johnny Mercer's song, "The One That Got Away" ( sometimes called "The Man That Got Away" and "The Gal That Got Away" ).
      Listen to anybody's recording of the magnificent Kurt Weill song, "September Song."
      THOSE are great songs. I could list a hundred, maybe two hundred more. The Beatles were marvelous. I love them and remain amused by them to this day. I'm fascinated by the influences in their music. Amy is right. Some of their work is Schubert - like. But come on, they didn't write at the level of the four songs I listed.

  • @adamfindlay7091
    @adamfindlay7091 2 дня назад +4

    Lennon believed this his best work with the Fab4. ( Is it just me or John 's pieces have a lullaby/ nursery rhyme feel. Some missed childhood coming back).

  • @bodhileaf-smh
    @bodhileaf-smh 2 дня назад +3

    I learn so much here!

  • @rb9628
    @rb9628 День назад

    The beginning of SFF always sounded melancholic to me.

  • @muarra
    @muarra День назад +1

    let me take you down Amy, CAUSE i'm going to strawberry fields.
    Thanks for this, it was a great journey as usual.

  • @sntxrrr
    @sntxrrr 2 дня назад +1

    All the other songs standing in line, wanting to be added to your playlist, now feel rather intimidated. Strawberry fields is quite an act to follow.

  • @Inverse_to_Chaos
    @Inverse_to_Chaos 2 дня назад +1

    This seems like a fun series to watch. I always love to go back to songs I’ve heard years ago and point out the components that stuck to me.
    Strawberry will always be a fave of mine.

  • @spaceorbison
    @spaceorbison День назад

    The darkness in the notes reflects the lyric "Nothing is real" John was just a genius

  • @thomassharmer7127
    @thomassharmer7127 2 дня назад +2

    Detachment and intimacy, rawness and sophistication, experimentalism and ('old lady') nostalgia - that does seem to capture the multilayered personality of a creative boy from a broken home brought up by a maiden aunt. The changing pace of the lyrics with their stuttering emotional U-turns ('it doesn'tmatter much to me' - are you sure John?) are like someone trying to come to some perspective about their memories. In short, I think your analysis is right on target 😊.

  • @beercan2008
    @beercan2008 2 дня назад +4

    Re Ringo's frantic drumming in the coda - John (or Paul?) says 'Alright, calm down, Ringo!' at the end of the anthology version of the song:видео.htmlsi=0doi3AUp7yVM70cF&t=250

  • @jovana_r
    @jovana_r 2 дня назад +1

    It's impressive how much you can say about one song. And your words make me want to hear and feel exactly what you hear and feel. They make me want to love the song the same way you do. I don't say that I will ever be able to do so, but it is the impact that your words have on me. 🖤
    I can't wait to hear you talking about some of the songs that I really love too.

    @MOLLOYALLOY 2 дня назад +5

    He said this and Help were the rare times when he just told the truth when with the Beatles, without any clever imagery or flowery word play. His first solo album Plastic Ono Band was like that all the way through and is my favourite solo work of any Beatle.

    • @davidmontgomery4696
      @davidmontgomery4696 2 дня назад +1

      Huge Lennon fan but I don’t trust anything he says about his music. Or about Paul or George. Or even Pete Best. Lots of honesty in the music with Lennon from beginning to end.

    • @roystonsbailey
      @roystonsbailey 2 дня назад

      It's a good thing he did a variety of stuff. The trouble started when Yoko convinced him to limit himself to ONLY reporting about his current life.

      @MOLLOYALLOY 2 дня назад +1

      @ I know what you mean in general about not believing him but, in this comment, he has a point. There's lots of honesty in his music from beginning to end but he specifically meant the lyrics have no hint of contrivance- it's as if he is speaking, almost. "Always, no, sometimes think it's me."

  • @ChoppedMutton
    @ChoppedMutton 2 дня назад +3

    The 2007 film "Across the Universe" would be good to include in both your exploration of the Beatles and of cover songs.

  • @thejoyofthemusicinmylife7897
    @thejoyofthemusicinmylife7897 2 дня назад +5

    It is like Lennon reinvented music with this work.

  • @FrankOdonnell-ej3hd
    @FrankOdonnell-ej3hd 2 дня назад +2

    Love how she gos into in-depth analysis of all this music that previously she didn’t care enough about to even listen to. If you can’t make money on MTV anymore some people can still do it on RUclips haha.⚛️😂

  • @yes_head
    @yes_head 2 дня назад +1

    That jumbling of vocal phrasing became a sort of trope of 60's psychedelic music. Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd) was especially fond of creating outrageously convoluted strings of lyrics. They all seemed to be drawing from the same books by Lewis Carroll or all that.

  • @josephmilitello647
    @josephmilitello647 День назад

    John has explained the enigmatic lyrics fairly lucidly: he felt isolated from his peers at Strawberry Fields (no one is in my tree), looking down on them literally and figuratively, then he panicked and thought maybe he was the crazy one, with his dreams and visions and the other kids in the playground were the normal ones (I must be high or low). Compare James Joyce's Portrait of the artist as a young man and Proust's attempt to recover half buried early childhood memories.

  • @BorrowLend
    @BorrowLend 2 дня назад +1

    looking forward

  • @MikeytheGeek7711
    @MikeytheGeek7711 2 дня назад +2

    One interesting thing about this song is that they recorded the orchestral score at a faster tempo and a higher key than an earlier, lighter take that Lennon also liked. He wanted to combine the two. So George Martin had to increase the speed of the earlier take and decrease the speed of the orchestral take to match them up which gave it a unique sound.

  • @evanleehome2178
    @evanleehome2178 День назад +1

    A wonderful lesson! You made me realize that the recording was over-produced (apologies, George Martin). That said, as you point out it's a wonderful kaleidoscope of sound. But when you play the melody on harp, Amy, its beauty is revealed. Written by a guy who never studied musical theory or how to score a chart. Not bad, John, not bad at all!

    • @goldguy4122
      @goldguy4122 День назад

      Although Lennon would disagree, I think the production makes the recording. It ended up as a community effort of Lennon, McCartney, Martin, and Ringo, and not the spare Lennon original, and that's what made Lennon unhappy. It wasn't his baby anymore. McCartney's mellotron is the perfect opening.

  • @andy2950
    @andy2950 2 дня назад +1

    My favourite Beatles song.

  • @CharlesBraddythepoetartist
    @CharlesBraddythepoetartist 2 дня назад +1

    Ringo has a great sound here

  • @Upe-f9c
    @Upe-f9c День назад

    A playlist couldn´t start in a better way. I have listened to this peace for almost 60 years and I still find it intriguing and fascinating. If you listen to Beatles Anthology album (No 2, Disc 2) you can hear how it developed in the EMI studio on Abbey Road.

  • @epikourosallebook790
    @epikourosallebook790 2 дня назад +1


  • @roystonsbailey
    @roystonsbailey 2 дня назад +4

    For clarification, as Amy seems to think SFF and "I am the walrus" were composed around the same time (perhaps because she doesn't know the album she's going through is a US album and not a Beatles-made UK release): SFF was recorded in late 1966 and was meant to be released as part of a Beatles album of childhood-themed songs that never materialized. Walrus was recorded mid-1967 and was the 1st recording following their manager (and friend's) death. While both could be considered "psychedelic rock/pop", they were not created at the same time or environment (SFF was first written and demos were recorded in Spain by Lennon on his own).

    • @scottamichie
      @scottamichie День назад +1

      Good summary of dates and progressions. One thing to consider: in the film recordings of the 1964 NYC mania surrounding their first US visit John is playing a mouth organ (in their hotel room) and he’s fiddling with the opening melody of SFF. Does this brief film clip capture his earliest inspiration of this haunting melody?!

    • @roystonsbailey
      @roystonsbailey День назад +1

      @@scottamichie I've seen that recording of the and I think the connection with the mellotron opening is a coincidence as it's a very short melody and I did read it was Paul who came up with it (he also played it) though I cannot find the source.

    • @scottamichie
      @scottamichie День назад +1

      @ Ok. So we’ve solved it: Paul overheard John playing it in the 1964 hotel moment and-three years on- wrote it and played it as the intro for John’s song 😂

    • @roystonsbailey
      @roystonsbailey 20 часов назад

      @@scottamichie Could be. All I'm saying is, the idea that John came up with a part and then had Paul play it (when John could've easily played it himself) isn't something that has ever happened in the Beatles, as far as I know. It has happened a lot with Paul, because he would come up with entire arrangements from Revolver onward.

  • @mitchparker7652
    @mitchparker7652 День назад +2

    SFF will remain at the top.....forever.

  • @painbow6528
    @painbow6528 День назад

    This is my favourite ASMR channel.

  • @davidrauh8118
    @davidrauh8118 2 дня назад +2

    George Martin actually said the first time John played him the song on acoustic guitar, he thought it was a tone poem. And I think they carried that through to the finished recording. It reminds me personally of Debussy or Grieg. And a master stroke by Martin to take two separate versions and splicing them together by speeding up one and slowing down the other. At the very end you hear John say "Cranberry Sauce" twice. Similarly at the beginning of A Day In The Life, John counts in with "Sugar Plum Fairy" twice. But that was covered up by the end of Sgt. Pepper's Reprise as it transitions into A Day In The Life. Thank you.

    • @gettinhungrig8806
      @gettinhungrig8806 2 дня назад

      George Martin stuffed up by editing the 2 versions together...and also rendered the song uncommercial. You can hear on Anthology the early takes of the song are clearly superior. I've read a quote somewhere from John late in his life that the edit was a mistake.

  • @michavandam
    @michavandam 2 дня назад

    1. Hi Amy, nice to see you sharing your playlist with us. I've been asking for it a couple of times.
    2. "Detachment and intimacy" - great observation, Amy!
    I'd say the detachment is a result of drugs.
    3. It's " ' C a u s e I'm going to".
    4. John Lennon's rhythmic flexibility: wait till you get to Happiness Is a Warm Gun!

  • @sntxrrr
    @sntxrrr 2 дня назад +3

    Did I miss your reaction to I Am The Walrus that you sneak peaked a month ago or is that still coming up?

  • @bobfoale3000
    @bobfoale3000 2 дня назад +1

    In Britain, Magical Mystery Tour was released as a 7” EP. Strawberry Fields wasn’t included on Magical Mystery Tour, it had been released as a double A-side single along with Penny Lane (the first two songs written during the Sgt. Pepper sessions). The American record company expanded Magical Mystery Tour into an album, which was eventually released in Europe in the late 70s.

    • @bobfoale3000
      @bobfoale3000 2 дня назад

      Incidentally, “You Know My Name, Look Up My Number” was originally written for Magical Mystery Tour. The original idea was the bus arrived at a village hall, everyone changed into ballroom costumes then, in about 7 minutes, danced all the standard ballroom dances, before returning to the bus. Although the Beatles had written the music, it proved impossible to choreograph the dancers in the time available. It was dropped (being replaced by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band and an on-stage stripper).

    • @bitdropout
      @bitdropout День назад

      I bought the Magical Mystery Tour LP in the UK (probably 1968). It was classed as an "import" in the local record shop.

    • @bobfoale3000
      @bobfoale3000 День назад

      @ as you say, it was an import. According to Discogs, there was a UK cassette version (called Magical Mystery Tour and Other Songs), with a different cover, released 1973, the first UK release of the US-styled LP was 1976

    • @BigSky1
      @BigSky1 День назад

      @@bobfoale3000The backing track for You Know My Name was recorded in May and June, ‘67 long before MMT was even thought about and before Brian Epstein died in late August. Never have I seen it written anywhere that it was to be part of MMT .

    • @bobfoale3000
      @bobfoale3000 День назад

      @@BigSky1 All the songs from the film “Magical Mystery Tour” were recorded between May - September 1967, and the film made shortly after (it was first shown on BBC1 on 26 December, 1967 - Boxing Day).
      The story of You Know My Name being intended for MMT came from a BBC Arena documentary “Magical Mystery Tour Revisited”, shown (in the UK) in March 2019

  • @stormy8207
    @stormy8207 День назад

    My favourite is Long and Winding road.

  • @par336
    @par336 2 дня назад +3

    Penny lane? Will it be analyzed next week?

  • @WayneKitching
    @WayneKitching 2 дня назад +1

    "Colourised black-and-white photos " is a perfect metaphor for a Mellotron. A Mellotron uses recordings of actual instruments, but because of its technological limitations (distortion and speed variations called wow and flutter), the sound is not 100% authentic but has its own charm. The way in which colourised photos never get the colours completely right is similar to how the sounds from the Mellotron are recognisable, but transformed.

  • @esalehtismaki
    @esalehtismaki 2 дня назад +1

    It's the best song of Sgt Pepper sessions, and from today's perspective it's weird that it was not on the album. But then single releases were not just album promo, they were their own thing. And frankly, this is so big song that it should not be a part of a bigger entity, it should be it's own release. Well, the single of course has two A-sides, Penny lane being the second one, but each has their own side. Overall this is one of the best Beatles songs and songs written by Lennon. And at the time, nobody had heard anything like this.

  • @woodyo3276
    @woodyo3276 2 дня назад +1

    You should check out the other versions of Strawberry Fields Forever on the Beatles Anthology discs. (Vol 2 I believe) Enlightening listens!

  • @thomasoa
    @thomasoa День назад

    I've only recently realized, while the lyrics promise to take us to a place, we hear almost nothing about the place. Pretty much all we learn about the physical place is, it has a tree.
    In fact, the lyrics are really about how John felt in the place, and that is why the lyrics are confused and lacking confidence - John is remembering being a boy, and he is taking us to meet that little boy, who fumbles for words trying to describe hints the boy doesn't quite understand.

  • @DIFowner
    @DIFowner День назад

    Rich, yes oh yes… George Martin at some of his finest!

    • @DIFowner
      @DIFowner День назад

      And I am not dismissing the Fab Four at all. 6 days before my 8th birthday, my brother and I walked off from my Mother in the clothing department and into the record section of the store. There in a sea of posters featuring brush cutted singers in v neck sweaters were four Rembrandt lit faces staring out of a totally black back ground. I don’t think the same two children ever really walked out of that record department.

  • @Jaxy451
    @Jaxy451 День назад

    Yeah, it's a good piece, no question.

  • @farnaud33
    @farnaud33 2 дня назад +1

    Amy, I think you should listen to 'She's a rainbow' by the Rolling Stones (1967). I believe you would have a lot of things to share about this particular number. I wish you would do it! By the way I think you are fascinating to listen to! Your analyses are so often in tune with what I think!

    • @BigSky1
      @BigSky1 День назад +1

      I have to agree. Nicky Hopkins piano and Brian’s mellotron. The strings arranged by JPJ.

  • @-R.Gray-
    @-R.Gray- День назад

    I hope you'll take advantage of the information on The Beatles Bible site for each song - with their background and technical recording information. Some of the material there is the same as what Vlad has you read, but there is much more. It was Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues who introduced them to the Mellotron used on this song. There were also two different recordings where they liked the front of one and the end of another, but they were in different keys. So they slowed down one to make it in tune, and put them together.

  • @aBeatleFan4ever
    @aBeatleFan4ever День назад +2

    Amy - it's not "FOR" I'm going to.... it's "CAUSE" I'm going to. (a shortening of the word "because").
    "Let me take you down 'cause I'm going to strawberry fields."
    I just had to say something... after she had said it incorrectly over and over again.

  • @myytcdpag
    @myytcdpag 2 дня назад +1

    "Old lady's house" music... curiously close to John calling some of Paul's songs "granny music". The circle is now complete! :-D

    • @roystonsbailey
      @roystonsbailey 2 дня назад

      Well that Mellotron part she's referring to was composed and played by Paul, so...

    • @hw343434
      @hw343434 День назад

      @@roystonsbaileyprobably composed by John and echoed by Paul playing it

    • @roystonsbailey
      @roystonsbailey День назад

      @@hw343434 highly unlikely considering how the Beatles worked on John's songs.

    • @myytcdpag
      @myytcdpag День назад

      @@roystonsbailey Well, are we sure Paul wrote that part? This sounds very much like it!видео.html

  • @fredriksasaa6969
    @fredriksasaa6969 12 часов назад

    i thought it was mccarthney who sang for years, but it is john lennon. it sounds like both 😮

  • @spaceorbison
    @spaceorbison День назад

    Billy Corgans favorite song

  • @stevie625
    @stevie625 День назад

    Lennon’s vocal spacing is emphasised because the first 60 seconds of the song are slowed down, giving it a laidback lazy feel. The rest of the song was speeded up slightly giving it a totally different feel from the first part. I’m sure you already know it’s constructed from two entirely separate recordings, which were manipulated to fit together and was written about a childhood memory. Your breakdown picks up on all of these factors without knowing any of the details and why it sounds as it does. Well done.

  • @eggman7527
    @eggman7527 2 дня назад

    When I listened to this as a kid, I was confused about who the singer was. I didn't know the vocal track had been slowed down.

  • @phila3884
    @phila3884 2 дня назад

    Almost stating the obvious, but maybe it's too obvious: Beatles songs can be enjoyed on so many different levels- from radio friendly sing-along, without ever reading the lyrics; to mind-boggling musical invention worthy of academic deep dives (Amy?); to lyrics that are so right they shouldn't be analyzed; full of meaning or also totally devoid of the meaning people try to assign to them. This song may be the perfect example.

  • @jpdj2715
    @jpdj2715 2 дня назад

    The interwebs on this song: "Strawberry Fields" was the name of an (orphanage) house of the Salvation Army where young John Lennon played with friends. After his difficulties it serves as a reflection of his yearning for a place of solace and happiness. The lyrics resonate with the universal human experience of grappling with hardship.

  • @charlescowell5125
    @charlescowell5125 2 дня назад +2

    Please check out the promotional video for Strawberry Fields Forever.

  • @allenleong8220
    @allenleong8220 День назад

    I recommend Josh Turner's amazing acoustic guitar version of Strawberry Fields Forever in which he imitates the arrangements of all the instruments.

  • @sophitsa79
    @sophitsa79 День назад

    8:32 or of the Rhythm of the Night... 🎶

  • @toxic-o1u
    @toxic-o1u 2 дня назад

    26:30 That explanation of the chords, composition based on intervalls and sparse neo classical "conservatism", not sure if I understood it right. Isn't that something we can find in many iconic rock songs? Like for instance Poison by Alice Cooper or Californication by RHCP?

  • @TheTransitguru
    @TheTransitguru 3 часа назад

    George Martin once stated that he should have put the Beatles singles on their albums. It he had not done that. Strawberry fields and penny lane could have been put on their albums sgt peppers album. Too bad.

  • @coreywiley3981
    @coreywiley3981 2 дня назад

    I was thinking some good song suggestions would be "Walk Away Renee" and/or "Pretty Ballerina" and/or "Shadows Breaking Over My Head" by the 60s band "The Left Banke" Some lovely melodies and harmonies from that band.

  • @bitdropout
    @bitdropout День назад

    Recorded 3 years 4 months after ""She Loves You".

  • @darrylbuckett5380
    @darrylbuckett5380 2 дня назад

    The best way to descibe "Strawberry Fields" is to just play it and let the music be a part of you. If your this passionate over the Beatles, can't wait for you to discover The Stones. Cheers

    • @richardzahnhausen706
      @richardzahnhausen706 2 дня назад

      „…to discover The Stones“? Ironically or satirically postings should be marked

  • @stormy8207
    @stormy8207 День назад

    The term you are looking for is vaudeville.

  • @jimclarke1108
    @jimclarke1108 2 дня назад

    The Beatles never wrote a bas song, all hits

  • @iwasfrancisd
    @iwasfrancisd 2 дня назад +1

    1:10 Of course not. It will be exclusively Beatles and Queen. ;-)

  • @pauloarraes4449
    @pauloarraes4449 2 дня назад +2

    Eleanor rigby or shes leaving home maybe!?? Please

  • @andrewesquibel9614
    @andrewesquibel9614 2 дня назад

    Sandy Farina's version is really nice.

  • @Sneezus69
    @Sneezus69 День назад

    Please react to Hatebreed "Barrel of Today"

  • @cobrakari
    @cobrakari 2 дня назад

    Would you be interested in doing jazz pieces?

  •  2 дня назад +1

    Would you be willing to react to a modern classical composer? Alma Deutscher is an English child prodigy classical composer. She's 19 now I think but the is her at age 9 performing the third movement of a violin concerto that she composed. She wrote every note for every instrument.видео.htmlsi=mAEhC3PjGeVLrMOc
    Virtuoso on violin and piano. She's extrdnary.
    I also love strawberry fields forever 😊 4:39

  • @nasserhafes3021
    @nasserhafes3021 День назад

    is not "for Im going to..." is " cause Im goint to..."

  • @Tis4Torey
    @Tis4Torey День назад

    Can you try a listen/view of 5K HD - WHAT IF I - STUDIO LIVE

  • @ouioui_lounge
    @ouioui_lounge День назад

    Best Gen Z ROCK girl vocalist.видео.html

  • @rayname908
    @rayname908 День назад

    john wrote the lyrics in a bumbling way people actually talk. A statement, then take it back then filler words "I think" "I mean" "That is" "you know" "that is, I think"...

  • @potinato
    @potinato День назад


  • @gbsk12
    @gbsk12 День назад

    I don’t buy it when Amy says she likes melody. Maybe some. I think she mainly likes complex music.and would say her favorite rock groups are the Beatles Queen and Les Zep. The Stones have some of the best melodies in rock but she does not like the Stones

  • @yourontheair
    @yourontheair День назад

    be great if you call Paul McCartney might even write a song about you