Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! **** - - WINNERS - -

Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe: God! when did u get that done? looks awsome!
Jenna: omg, u like it?
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe: "Yay! that open sesame thing really worked!!"
Jenna: "Allright!! Let's get this thing started already then"

Ok... i know, i cannot compete
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe - "So clean, I could eat my dinner off it. "
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe thinks: Hmm what does that tattoo say? *reads it out in her head* :o
Jenna says: Stop staring at my ass Kobe!
Jenna thinks: I bet she was reading that smart tattoo, they all fall for it
Kobe says: heehee its a funny one Jenna


Member, you member...
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

JJ - Now I know all those bubbles aren't just from the bubble bath, Kobe!

K - I didn't think you'd notice. All you do on sets these days is just stand there and scream!
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe: Had quite a few cocks up there, haven't you?

Jenna: Yes, why do you ask? Jealous?

Kobe: way....but the tattoo over your pussy saying LINCOLN TUNNEL was sort of a giveaway

Jenna: HaHaHa...forgot about that
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe...Oh My God I dropped the soap

Jenna (thinking)...Wait till I show her what I learned watching that prison movie last week.
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe "...And you say you can open bottles with it too!"


Member, you member...
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

K - Hello, hello, helllo?!

JJ - Why did you say that three times?

K - I didn't, it was an echo.
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Jenna "Well can you see them ?"

Kobe "No but I can see a light and some rope"


are you talking to me?
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe: just when i thought it was safe to do a doggy...
Jenna: HAHAHA! now you will see...
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

The Easter bunny got a little to creative with this years Easter egg hunt...
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe "I'm sorry Jenna the dildo's stuck"

Jenna "It can't be I've got to go do a lingerie shoot in a minute"
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Kobe: I just dropped my contact in the water, I cant read what it says on your ass

Jenna: Thats fine, so when will we get back to our conversation on the effects of global warming and the cost of fuel

Kobe: Yeah I wish people would see that serious conversations do happen at porn shoots, its not all just fuck and suck

Jenna: Who are we kidding its all fuck and suck, lets get back to work
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Jenna says : Hi everyone !!! Look, I bought Kobe Tai today !!!

Kobe says : What ?

Jenna thinks : I OWN you, bitch !!!

Kobe thinks (and looks) : Why are they locking the doors ?
Re: Win ClubJenna Trading Cards! **** OFFICIAL BOARD CONTEST! ****

Jenna :Omg thats what a Hotrod11inches looks like, I can tell if its an inny or an outie, which is the belly button Kobe I cant stop laughing...Hahahahahahaha

Kobe: I'm blind, blind, I cant see